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DIY mill and mix for 15,000


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Brian Johnston made his own bulk trailer with blower, then set to and built his own storage bins from 2in square metal piping and heavy duty plywood. They look a treat... I had the chance to pay a flying visit to see Brian Johnston who has 300 sows with progeny to bacon, near Cookstown in Northern Ireland. The site is immaculate. The reason for the call was to see how he has developed his own milling and mixing unit. Typical of many Ulster pig men, Brian is handy at making things, whether it be building a piggery or manufacturing something mechanical. He grows barley on his own unit but buys in wheat and soya. He decided the cost of compound rations was way too high. So he bought a second-hand Gehl tractor-driven mill and mixer to do up.
机译:布赖恩·约翰斯顿(Brian Johnston)用鼓风机制造了自己的散装拖车,然后用2in方形金属管道和重型胶合板建造了自己的储物箱。他们看起来很享受……我有幸乘飞机去拜访布莱恩·约翰斯顿,他在北爱尔兰的库克斯敦附近拥有300头带有后代的母猪。该网站是完美的。打电话的原因是看他如何开发自己的研磨和混合装置。布赖恩(Brian)是许多阿尔斯特(Ulster)养猪人中的典型代表,无论是建造猪场还是制造机械设备,他都能方便地制造东西。他在自己的单位上种植大麦,但购买小麦和大豆。他认为复配口粮的成本太高了。因此,他购买了二手Gehl拖拉机驱动的粉碎机和搅拌机进行处理。



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