首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Ophthalmology >Feline periocular peripheral nerve sheath tumor: a case series

Feline periocular peripheral nerve sheath tumor: a case series


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The objective of this retrospective study was to describe signalment, clinical presentation, surgical treatment, outcome, histopathologic, and immunohistochemical characteristics of periocular peripheral nerve sheath tumor in a series of cats. Six cats with a histologic diagnosis of peripheral nerve sheath tumor of the eyelid and/or conjunctiva were identified from 3997 feline ocular histopathologic submissions to the Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin between 1976 and 2002. Medical records were reviewed and data were collected for signalment, eye affected, location, duration, and history of tumor recurrence. Ancillary diagnostic tests, surgical approach, and histopathology were also described. Special stains and immunohistochemistry panels were performed on the tissue. Follow-up information was obtained through telecommunications with the owner and local veterinarian. The mean age of the cats was 8 years (range: 5-15 years). There was an equal distribution of males and females. Breeds represented were two Domestic Long-haired (DLH) cats, three Domestic Short-haired (DSH) cats, and one Manx. The right eye was affected in four cats and the left eye in two cats. The superior eyelid was affected in four cats, the superior conjunctiva in two cats, and the inferior eyelid in one cat. All of the cats that underwent surgical excision, cryoablation, or laser ablation had an average of three recurrences of the tumor. Four of six cats undergoing wide excision with enucleation, exenteration or rhomboid flap had no recurrence of the tumor. Histomorphologically, all of the tumors were of spindle cell type with five of six tumors showing histologic features of Antoni type B tissue. All six tumors stained positive for vimentin. Five of six tumors stained positive for S-100 and laminin. All six tumors were negative for smooth muscle actin. Definitive histologic diagnoses of spindle cell tumors can be difficult. The presence of Antoni A and B histologic patterns as well as immunohistochemical reactivity for vimentin, S-100, and laminin suggest a diagnosis of peripheral nerve sheath tumor. Our findings suggest that local aggressive recurrence is common and that wide surgical excision combined with enucleation or exenteration may be indicated.



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