首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Microbiology >Short communication: Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium distribution studied in a naturally infected hen flock and in the environment by culture, serotyping and IS901 RFLP methods

Short communication: Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium distribution studied in a naturally infected hen flock and in the environment by culture, serotyping and IS901 RFLP methods

机译:简短交流:鸟分枝杆菌亚种。通过培养,血清分型和IS901 RFLP方法研究了自然感染鸡群和环境中的禽分布

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Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium (MAA) of serotype 2 and genotype IS901+ and IS1245+ was cultured from 21 naturally infected hens (Gallus domesticus) from one smallholder aviary. From a total of 330 samples taken from hens, 124 mycobacteria were detected. Out of which MAA was detected in 103 (35.7%) of 288 tissues, in 4 (19.0%) of 21 swabs of cloacae and in 9 (42.9%) of 21 faeces samples, 8 other conditionally pathogenic mycobacterial species were also isolated. Tuberculous (TB) lesions were found in the liver, spleen and intestinal organs of seven hens. The isolates of MAA (n = 58) from 16 infected hens (7 with TB lesions and 9 without TB lesions) were found to be of 3 IS901 RFLP types AE (n = 48), AD (n = 4) and E (n = 6), where these MAA isolates are highly virulent to hens. Mixed infections with IS901 RFLP types (AE and AD) and (AE and E) were also evident in seven hens. From a total of 35 examined environmental samples, 23 mycobacterial isolates were detected. Out of which four (17.4%) MAA isolates of IS901 RFLP type AE and 19 (82.6%) other isolates of conditionally pathogenic mycobacteria were detected. The finding of identical IS901 RFLP types from both tissues and faecal isolates confirms that infected domestic hens are the principal source of infection for other susceptible hosts and lead to the contamination of the surrounding environment. The presence of different IS901 RFLP types in tissue isolates may indicate the repeated incidence of MAA infection and the occurrence of polyclonal infection.
机译:鸟分枝杆菌亚种用一只小农户的21只自然感染的母鸡(家蝇)培养2型和IS901 +和IS1245 +基因型的禽(MAA)。在总共从母鸡中采集的330个样本中,检测到124个分枝杆菌。在288个组织中的103个(35.7%),21个泄殖腔拭子中的4个(19.0%)和21个粪便样品中的9个(42.9%)中检出了MAA,还分离了其他8个有条件致病性分枝杆菌种。在七只母鸡的肝脏,脾脏和肠道器官中发现了结核(TB)病灶。从16只受感染的母鸡中分离出MAA(n = 58)(7例有TB病变,9例没有TB病变),其3种IS901 RFLP类型为AE(n = 48),AD(n = 4)和E(n = 6),其中这些MAA分离株对母鸡有高毒力。在七只母鸡中也出现了IS901 RFLP类型(AE和AD)以及(AE和E)的混合感染。从总共检查的35个环境样品中,检测到23种分枝杆菌。其中有四个(17.4%)IS901 RFLP AE型MAA分离株和19个(82.6%)有条件致病性分枝杆菌的分离株被检测到。从组织和粪便分离物中发现了相同的IS901 RFLP类型,这证明感染的家禽是其他易感宿主的主要感染源,并导致周围环境的污染。组织分离物中不同IS901 RFLP类型的存在可能表明MAA感染的反复发生和多克隆感染的发生。



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