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Studies into the prevalence of Mycoplasma species in small ruminants in Benue State, North-central Nigeria


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The indicative prevalence of respiratory Mycoplasma species in small ruminants (SR) was determined in North-central Nigeria. Nasal swabs from 172 sheep and 336 goats from the Northeast, Northwest and South Senatorial Districts of Benue State were examined. Initial Mycoplasma isolation used Mycoplasma culture techniques followed by digitonin sensitivity testing. Species identification was done using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Overall, Mycoplasma organisms were isolated from 131 (25.8 %) of the 508 SR examined. Prevalence rates of 18.1 and 29.8 % were recorded for sheep and goats, respectively. A total of 135 isolates of Mycoplasma belonging to three different species were identified: Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (127), Mycoplasma arginini (7) and Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies capri (1). More than one Mycoplasma species were detected in four (3.1 %) of the 131 confirmed Mycoplasma positive cultures. Mycoplasma was isolated from 16.2 and 29.1 % of animals with and without respiratory signs, respectively. The high isolation rate of mycoplasmas in apparently healthy and clinically sick sheep and goats in this study indicates a carrier status in these SR which may constitute a serious problem in disease control
机译:在尼日利亚中北部确定了小反刍动物中呼吸道支原体种类的指示性流行。对来自贝努埃州东北,西北和南部参议院地区的172只绵羊和336只山羊的鼻拭子进行了检查。最初的支原体分离使用支原体培养技术,然后进行洋地黄皂苷敏感性测试。使用聚合酶链反应(PCR)和变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)进行物种鉴定。总体而言,支原体生物是从所检查的508 SR中的131个(25.8%)中分离出来的。绵羊和山羊的患病率分别为18.1和29.8%。总共鉴定出135个支原体分离物,它们属于三个不同物种:卵形支原体(127),精子支原体(7)和支原体支原体亚种(1)。在131种确诊的支原体阳性培养物中,有4种(3.1%)检测到一种以上的支原体。分别从有和没有呼吸道症状的动物中分离出支原体,占16.2%和29.1%。在这项研究中,显然健康和临床上患病的绵羊和山羊中支原体的高分离率表明这些SR具有携带者状态,这可能构成疾病控制中的严重问题



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