首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >Responses of energy balance, physiology, and production for transition dairy cows fed with a low-energy prepartum diet during hot season

Responses of energy balance, physiology, and production for transition dairy cows fed with a low-energy prepartum diet during hot season


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Twenty multiparous Chinese Holstein dairy cows calving in hot summer (S group), were compared with 20 similar control cows calving in cool autumn (C group). Diets were the same for both groups; prepartum diets had relatively low energy density. Average temperature-humidity index was 76.5 and 53.0 in summer and autumn, respectively. S group cows had significantly higher rectal temperatures (39.6 vs. 39.0 A degrees C) and respiration rates (79.0 vs. 31.3 breaths/min) than C group, and consumed less feed (prepartum 8.0 vs. 12.3 kg/day, postpartum 16.3 vs. 21.2 kg/day). Calculated energy balance (EB) was -7.98 vs. -5.15 Mcal/day for S group prepartum and postpartum, respectively. In contrast, EB was 1.36 vs. -2.03 Mcal/day for C group prepartum and postpartum, respectively. S group produced significantly less milk than C group by 15.4 % (5.2 kg/day) and 26.8 % (10.2 kg/d) for milk yield and energy-corrected milk, respectively. Percentages of milk fat (3.28 vs. 4.29 %), protein (3.08 vs. 3.33 %), and solids-not-fat (8.46 vs. 8.78 %) were significantly lower for S group. Milk urea nitrogen (19.54 vs. 13.31 mg/dL) was significantly higher in S group. Significantly lower feed efficiency was observed in S group (1.56 vs. 1.66). During the entire transition period, S group had significantly lower circulating glucose levels. S group had significantly higher levels of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) prepartum, but after 14 days in milk, NEFA was significantly lower. We conclude that increasing dietary energy density during transition period (especially prepartum) is necessary to minimize adverse effects of hot season.
机译:将20头在炎热的夏季产犊的中国荷斯坦奶牛(S组)与20头在凉爽的秋季产犊的类似对照牛(C组)进行了比较。两组的饮食相同。产前饮食能量密度较低。夏季和秋季的平均温度湿度指数分别为76.5和53.0。 S组奶牛的直肠温度(39.6 vs. 39.0 A摄氏度)和呼吸频率(79.0 vs. 31.3呼吸/分钟)均显着高于C组,并且饲料消耗更少(产前8.0 vs. 12.3 kg /天,产后16.3 vs 21.2公斤/天)。 S组产前和产后的能量平衡(EB)为-7.98 vs.-5.15 Mcal /天。相比之下,C组产前和产后EB分别为1.36和-2.03 Mcal /天。 S组的产奶量和能量校正后的牛奶分别比C组少生产15.4%(5.2千克/天)和26.8%(10.2千克/天)。 S组的乳脂百分比(3.28 vs. 4.29%),蛋白质(3.08 vs. 3.33%)和非固体固形物(8.46 vs. 8.78%)的百分比显着降低。 S组的牛奶尿素氮(19.54比13.31 mg / dL)显着更高。 S组的饲料效率显着降低(1.56比1.66)。在整个过渡时期,S组的循环葡萄糖水平明显降低。 S组产前非酯化脂肪酸(NEFA)含量显着较高,但是在牛奶中放置14天后,NEFA显着降低。我们得出结论,在过渡时期(尤其是产前)增加饮食能量密度对于最大限度地减少炎热季节的不利影响是必要的。



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