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Emergency obstetric care availability: a critical-assessment of the current Indicator


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Monitoring progress in reducing maternal and perinatal mortality requires suitable indicators. The density of emergency obstetric care (EmOC) facilities has been proposed as a potentially useful indicator, but different UN documents make inconsistent recommendations, and its current formulation is not associated with maternal mortality. We compiled recently published indicator benchmarks and distinguished three sources of inconsistency: (i) use of different denominator metrics (per birth and per population), (ii) different assumptions on need for EmOC and for EmOC facilities and (iii) failure to specify facility capacity (birth load). The UN guidelines and handbook require fewer EmOC facilities than the World Health Report 2005 and do not specify capacity for deliveries or staffing levels. We recommend (i) always using births as the denominator for EmOC facility density, (ii) clearly stating assumptions on the proportion of deliveries needing basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric care and the desired proportion of deliveries in EmOC facilities and (iii) specifying facility capacity and staffing and adapting benchmarks for settings with different population density to ensure geographical accessibility.
机译:监测降低孕产妇和围产期死亡率的进展需要适当的指标。有人提议将紧急产科护理设施的密度作为一种潜在有用的指标,但是联合国的不同文件提出了不一致的建议,其当前的提法与产妇死亡率无关。我们汇编了最近发布的指标基准,并区分了三种不一致的根源:(i)使用不同的分母指标(每出生和每个人口),(ii)对EmOC和EmOC设施的需求的不同假设,以及(iii)未指定设施容量(出生负荷)。联合国准则和手册要求的EmOC设施少于《 2005年世界卫生报告》,并且没有具体说明运送或人员配备的能力。我们建议(i)始终使用生育作为EmOC设施密度的分母,(ii)明确说明需要基本和全面的紧急产科护理的分娩比例以及EmOC设施中所需分娩的比例,以及(iii)指定设施容量并为人口密度不同的地区配置人员和调整基准,以确保地理上的可及性。



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