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Resting energy expenditure in overweight and obese adults: Agreement between indirect calorimetry and predictive formulas


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This retrospective chart review of 100 overweight and obese white adults enrolled in an ambulatory care weight management program determined the limits of agreement between resting energy expenditure using the MedGem and 5 predictive equations. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 13.0. Alpha was set at .05. Limits of agreement were considered a bias of ± 150 cal and a precision of ±200 cal. Overall, no equation had acceptable bias or precision. However, 4 equations specific for age and gender had acceptable bias and precision for females. An accurate predictive formula for use in the overweight and obese adults is needed.
机译:这项回顾性图表回顾了100名超重和肥胖的白人成年人,他们参加了门诊护理体重管理计划,确定了使用MedGem和5个预测方程式计算的静息能量消耗之间的一致极限。使用SPSS 13.0版分析数据。 Alpha设置为0.05。一致性极限被认为是±150 cal的偏差和±200 cal的精度。总体而言,没有方程具有可接受的偏差或精度。但是,有4个针对年龄和性别的方程式对于女性而言具有可接受的偏差和精确度。需要用于超重和肥胖成年人的准确预测公式。



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