首页> 外文期刊>Toxicology: An International Journal Concerned with the Effects of Chemicals on Living Systems >Male reproductive system parameters in a two-generation reproduction study of ammonium perfluorooctanoate in rats and human relevance.

Male reproductive system parameters in a two-generation reproduction study of ammonium perfluorooctanoate in rats and human relevance.


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Ammonium perfluorooctanoate (ammonium PFOA) is an industrial surfactant that has been used primarily as a processing aid in the manufacture of fluoropolymers. The environmental and metabolic stability of PFOA together with its presence in human blood and long elimination half-life have led to extensive toxicological studies in laboratory animals. Two recent publications based on observations from the Danish general population have reported: (1) a negative association between serum concentrations of PFOA in young adult males and their sperm counts and (2) a positive association among women with time to pregnancy. A two-generation reproduction study in rats was previously published (2004) in which no effects on functional reproduction were observed at doses up to 30mg ammonium PFOA/kg body weight. The article contained the simple statement: "In males, fertility was normal as were all sperm parameters". In order to place the recent human epidemiological data in perspective, herein we provide the detailed male reproductive parameters from that study, including sperm quality and testicular histopathology. Sperm parameters in rats from the two-generation study in all ammonium PFOA treatment groups were unaffected by treatment with ammonium PFOA. These observations reflected the normal fertility observations in these males. No evidence of altered testicular and sperm structure and function was observed in ammonium PFOA-treated rats whose mean group serum PFOA concentrations ranged up to approximately 50,000ng/mL. Given that median serum PFOA in the Danish cohorts was approximately 5ng/mL, it seems unlikely that concentrations observed in the general population, including those recently reported in Danish general population, could be associated causally with a real decrement in sperm number and quality.
机译:全氟辛酸铵(PFOA铵)是一种工业表面活性剂,主要用作制造含氟聚合物的加工助剂。 PFOA的环境和代谢稳定性,以及其在人血中的存在和消除半衰期长,已导致对实验动物进行广泛的毒理学研究。根据来自丹麦总人口的观察,最近的两篇出版物报道了:(1)成年男性血清PFOA的血清浓度与其精子数量之间呈负相关;(2)妇女与怀孕时间呈正相关。先前已发表了一项在大鼠中进行的两代生殖研究(2004年),在该试验中,至多30 mg铵PFOA / kg体重的剂量均未观察到对功能生殖的影响。该文章包含一个简单的陈述:“在男性中,生育能力和所有精子参数一样正常”。为了透视最新的人类流行病学数据,在此我们提供了该研究的详细男性生殖参数,包括精子质量和睾丸组织病理学。两代PFOA铵治疗组的两代研究大鼠的精子参数不受PFOA铵治疗的影响。这些观察结果反映了这些男性的正常生育率观察结果。在用铵PFOA治疗的大鼠中,平均组血清PFOA浓度不超过50,000ng / mL的大鼠中,未观察到睾丸和精子结构和功能发生改变的证据。鉴于丹麦人群中的血清PFOA的中位数约为5ng / mL,因此在普通人群中观察到的浓度(包括最近在丹麦普通人群中观察到的浓度)似乎不可能与精子数量和质量的实际下降有因果关系。



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