首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Two-year impact of praziquantel treatment for Schistosoma japonicum infection in China: re-infection, subclinical disease and fibrosis marker measurements.

Two-year impact of praziquantel treatment for Schistosoma japonicum infection in China: re-infection, subclinical disease and fibrosis marker measurements.


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We studied a community cohort of 193 individuals exposed to endemic Schistosoma japonicum infection in the Dongting Lake region of China to assess subclinical morbidity and the 2-year benefit of curative therapy (praziquantel) administered in 1996. Prevalence and intensity of S. japonicum infection before treatment were 28% and 192 eggs per gram faeces (epg), respectively. Two years after cure, 22% of the cohort were re-infected, but with a lighter intensity (67 epg). Sixty-four subjects (37%) showed significant improvement in ultrasound parenchyma images after treatment and 51 subjects (54%) showed significant improvement of periportal fibrosis. Left-lobe enlargement also reversed (P < 0.05) and splenomegaly reversed in 6 of 8 cases and developed in only 1. Two years post-treatment a dilated portal vein became less frequent, but the decline was not significant (16% vs 11%, P < 0.05). The serum levels of laminin and collagen IV associated with re-infection and intensity and hyaluronic acid levels correlated with ultrasound findings (P < 0.01). Overall, treatment induced a marked decrease in subclinical hepatosplenic morbidity attributable to S. japonicum although low-intensity re-infection after treatment remained relatively frequent. Stratified analysis and logistic models evaluated potential confounding factors for assessment of treatment effects on hepatic fibrosis. S. japonicum infection and moderate-heavy alcohol intake interacted: improvement in parenchymal morbidity was impeded among drinkers (P < 0.05). Chemotherapy focused on at-risk residents controls prevalent subclinical hepatic fibrosis but re-infection indicates the need for complementary control strategies.
机译:我们研究了在中国洞庭湖地区193例日本血吸虫流行性感染的社区队列,以评估亚临床发病率和1996年实施的根治性治疗(吡喹酮)的2年获益。以前日本血吸虫感染的发生率和强度每克粪便的处理量分别为28%和192个卵。治愈两年后,再次感染了该队列的22%,但强度较轻(67 epg)。六十四名受试者(37%)在治疗后超声实质图像显着改善,而51名受试者(54%)则显示出门静脉周围纤维化的明显改善。 8例中有6例的左叶增大也扭转了(P <0.05),脾肿大也扭转了,仅1例就发展了。治疗后两年,门静脉扩张的频率降低了,但下降幅度不显着(16%vs 11% ,P <0.05)。与再感染相关的血清层粘连蛋白和胶原蛋白IV水平,强度和透明质酸水平与超声检查结果相关(P <0.01)。总体而言,尽管治疗后的低强度再感染仍然相对频繁,但治疗可导致归因于日本血吸虫的亚临床肝脾病发病率显着降低。分层分析和逻辑模型评估了潜在的混杂因素,以评估对肝纤维化的治疗效果。日本血吸虫感染与中度重度饮酒之间存在相互作用:饮酒者的实质发病率改善受到阻碍(P <0.05)。针对高危居民的化学疗法控制了普遍的亚临床肝纤维化,但再次感染表明需要补充的控制策略。



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