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Chemicals of National Security concern


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There are literally tens of thousands of chemicals used daily in Australia for commercial and household purposes. There are over 400,000 chemical-based products on the market, which are used by some 570,000 workplaces and millions of Australian consumers. The vast majority of these chemical products have important and legitimate uses. However, in the wrong hands, some chemicals can be used to make lethal weapons.Terrorism remains a significant threat to Western societies, including Australia. While terrorists use a wide range of weapons to pursue their objectives, the ease of availability of chemicals in Australia makes homemade explosives an ideal weapon. In 2011, we saw the devastating effects of precursor chemicals when a homemade explosive device was detonated in Oslo, Norway, killing eight people and injuring 90. That bomb was created using chemical materials that are readily available in Australia, including fertilizer, nitromethane and aluminium.
机译:实际上,澳大利亚每天有成千上万种化学药品用于商业和家庭用途。市场上有超过40万种化学产品,供约570,000个工作场所和数百万澳大利亚消费者使用。这些化学产品中的绝大多数具有重要且合法的用途。但是,如果使用不当,某些化学药品可以用来制造致命武器。恐怖主义仍然是对包括澳大利亚在内的西方社会的重大威胁。尽管恐怖分子使用各种各样的武器来实现其目标,但在澳大利亚,化学药品的易得性使其成为自制炸药的理想武器。 2011年,当一枚自制的爆炸装置在挪威奥斯陆引爆时,我们看到了前体化学品的毁灭性影响,炸死8人,炸伤90人。这枚炸弹是使用澳大利亚容易获得的化学材料制造的,包括化肥,硝基甲烷和铝。



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