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Parc Central de Nou Barris, Barcelona, Spain


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The artist Pablo Picasso, who was from Andalusia, visited Catalonia in his youth in 1898 and 1909. In La Horta de San Juan he painted his first Cubist pictures in 1909. These paintings were taken by the architects Andreu Arriola Madorell and Carmen Fiol Costa as the underlying idea for their design of a new park for Barcelona when the city commissioned them to design and build on its periphery what is, with an area of 16 hectares, Barcelona's second-largest park. Their questions for the site were: "How to relate the urban fabric to the empty open spaces? How to link them intrinsically? How to work with solid and void, figure and ground, while giving value to both." After seeing Picasso's colourful paintings, where the houses on the hill disintegrateinto landscape throug the different planes and perspectives, a possible answer came to them: "Why not apply Cubism, which used multiple perspectives to form volumetric space bursting with energy on the canvas, to this place in Nou Barris." Fragmentation was the design solution.
机译:来自安达卢西亚的画家巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso)于1898年和1909年年轻时访问了加泰罗尼亚。他在圣胡安(La Horta de San Juan)画了他的第一幅立体派画作。这些画是由建筑师安德烈·阿里奥拉·马多雷尔(Andreu Arriola Madorell)和卡门·菲奥·科斯塔(Carmen Fiol Costa)拍摄的。当巴塞罗那市委托他们设计和建造其周边地区时,他们为巴塞罗那设计了一个新公园的基本想法是什么,占地16公顷,是巴塞罗那第二大公园。他们对网站的问题是:“如何将城市结构与空旷的空间联系起来?如何将它们本质地联系起来?如何在既有价值又有价值的同时与实心,虚空,人物和地面打交道。”看到毕加索的彩色画作之后,山上的房屋通过不同的平面和视角分解成景观,然后他们想到了一个可能的答案:“为什么不应用立体主义,它使用多种视角在画布上形成充满能量的体积空间,努里·巴里斯的这个地方。”碎片化是设计解决方案。



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