首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical and Applied Genetics: International Journal of Breeding Research and Cell Genetics >Dissection of a QTL reveals an adaptive, interacting gene complex associated with transgressive variation for flowering time in rice

Dissection of a QTL reveals an adaptive, interacting gene complex associated with transgressive variation for flowering time in rice


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A days to heading QTL (dth1.1) located on the short arm of rice chromosome 1 was sub-divided into eight sub-introgression lines (SILs) to analyze the genetic basis of transgressive variation for flowering time. Each SIL contained one or more introgression(s) from O. rufipogon in the genetic background of the elite Oryza sativa cultivar, Jefferson. Each introgression was defined at high resolution using molecular markers and those in the dth1.1 region were associated with the presence of one or more flowering time genes (GI, SOC1, FT-L8, EMF1, and PNZIP). SILs and controls were evaluated for flowering time under both short- and long-day growing conditions. Under short-day lengths, lines with introgressions carrying combinations of linked flowering time genes (GI/SOC1, SOC1/FT-L8, GI/SOC1/FT-L8 and EMF1/PNZIP) from the late parent, O. rufipogon, flowered earlier than the recurrent parent, Jefferson, while recombinant lines carrying smaller introgressions marked by the presence of GI, SOC1, EMF1 or PNZIP alone no longer flowered early. Under long-day length, lines carrying SOC1/FT-L8, SOC1 or PNZIP flowered early, while those carrying GI or EMF1 delayed flowering. Across all experiments and in the field, only SIL_SOC1/FT-L8 was consistently early. A preliminary yield evaluation indicated that the transgressive early flowering observed in several of the SILs was also associated with a measurable and positive effect on yield. These SILs represent a new source of variation that can be used in breeding programs to manipulate flowering time in rice cultivars without the reduction in yield that is often associated with early maturing phenotypes.
机译:将位于水稻第1号染色体短臂上的抽穗期QTL(dth1.1)细分为8个亚渗入系(SIL),以分析侵染期的侵袭性变异的遗传基础。每种SIL在优良稻米品种杰斐逊的遗传背景中均含有一个或多个来自红景天的种质。每次渗入均使用分子标记在高分辨率下进行定义,而dth1.1区域的渗入与一个或多个开花时间基因(GI,SOC1,FT-L8,EMF1和PNZIP)的存在相关。在短日和长日生长条件下均评估了SIL和对照的开花时间。在短日照下,带有晚熟亲本O. rufipogon的连锁开花时间基因(GI / SOC1,SOC1 / FT-L8,GI / SOC1 / FT-L8和EMF1 / PNZIP)结合体的种质早开花与轮回亲本杰弗逊(Jefferson)相比,而以GI,SOC1,EMF1或PNZIP单独存在为特征的带有较小基因渗入的重组品系不再早开花。在长日照下,携带SOC1 / FT-L8,SOC1或PNZIP的品系提前开花,而携带GI或EMF1的品系推迟开花。在所有实验中和在现场,只有SIL_SOC1 / FT-L8始终处于早期状态。初步的产量评估表明,在几个SIL中观察到的海侵性早花还与可测量的积极影响有关。这些SIL代表了一种新的变异来源,可用于育种计划中以操纵水稻品种的开花时间而不会降低通常与早熟表型有关的产量。



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