首页> 外文期刊>Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie >Online Social Networks, Location, and the Dual Effect of Distance from the Centre

Online Social Networks, Location, and the Dual Effect of Distance from the Centre


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Online social networks (OSN) are major platforms of ICT-enabled communication, supporting place-independent social life. However, recent findings suggest that the geographical location of users strongly affects network topology. Therefore, OSNs may be simultaneously related to locations and also unlocked from offline geographies. Our paper addresses this dual-faced phenomenon, analysing the location-specific effect on OSN diffusion and OSN usage. Findings on iWiW (International Who Is Who), the leading OSN in Hungary in the 2000s with more than 4 million users, suggest that the rate of users (proxy for OSN diffusion) is positively associated with the geographical proximity of Budapest, the foremost urban centre in the country. On the contrary, the average number of connections (proxy for OSN usage) is independent of the geographical proximity of the capital, and it is even higher in peripheral regions when controlling for other offline factors.
机译:在线社交网络(OSN)是基于ICT的交流的主要平台,支持与地点无关的社交生活。但是,最近的发现表明,用户的地理位置会严重影响网络拓扑。因此,OSN可以同时与位置相关,也可以从离线地理位置解锁。我们的论文解决了这种双重现象,分析了特定位置对OSN扩散和OSN使用的影响。 iWiW(国际名人录)的调查结果是2000年代匈牙利领先的OSN,拥有超过400万用户,这表明用户比率(OSN传播的代理人)与布达佩斯(地理上最重要的城市)的地理位置紧密相关。在该国的中心。相反,平均连接数(用于OSN的代理)与首都的地理位置无关,并且在控制其他离线因素时,在外围区域甚至更高。



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