首页> 外文期刊>Tierarztliche Praxis, Ausgabe K. Kleintiere >Sonographic diagnosis of cranial cruciate ligament ruptures in the dog.

Sonographic diagnosis of cranial cruciate ligament ruptures in the dog.


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The aim of the study was to investigate the suitability of ultrasonography for the diagnosis of cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture in dogs. Ultrasound was performed in 111 dogs that were clinically or radiologically suspected to have cranial cruciate ligament rupture. The dogs were examined under anaesthesia and subsequently underwent surgery. 93 dogs (83.8%) showed a complete, and 18 dogs (16.2%) a partial rupture of the CCL. The ultrasound examinations were performed with a 5-10 MHz and 6-12 MHz linear transducer, respectively. In 91 dogs (82%), the ruptured CCL could be visualized by ultrasonography. 104 dogs (94%) showed joint effusion. All dogs with partial rupture of the CCL had at least a low-grade joint effusion of the stifle. 14% of the cases (n=13) with a complete CCL rupture and 5.6% (n=1) with a partial rupture showed up to three cystic structures in the infrapatellar fat pad. The sonographic sensitivity of the CCL rupture presentation was 82%. With regard to joint effusion, the sensitivity for dogs with complete rupture was 92% and even 100% for dogs with partial rupture. The study showed that ultrasonography of the canine stifle is an important tool for the diagnosis of complete or partial rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament.
机译:这项研究的目的是调查超声检查是否适合诊断狗的颅交叉韧带(CCL)破裂。对111只临床或放射学怀疑有颅交叉韧带破裂的犬进行了超声检查。在麻醉下对狗进行检查,然后进行手术。 93只狗(83.8%)表现出完全性,18只狗(16.2%)表现为CCL部分破裂。超声检查分别使用5-10 MHz和6-12 MHz线性换能器进行。在91只狗中(82%),破裂的CCL可以通过超声检查可视化。 104只狗(94%)表现出关节积液。所有CCL局部破裂的狗至少有低度的关节积液。 CCL完全破裂的病例中有14%(n = 13),部分破裂的病例中有5.6%(n = 1),在pat下脂肪垫中最多显示三个囊性结构。 CCL破裂表现的超声检查敏感性为82%。对于关节积液,完全破裂的狗的敏感性为92%,部分破裂的狗甚至为100%。研究表明,犬窒息的超声检查是诊断颅交叉韧带完全或部分破裂的重要工具。



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