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Education for better regulation


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Dr John Lauterbach, a member of the FDA's Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee, wonders whether a committee to educate FDA scientists is needed. In early September, the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) at the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) issued a document entitled "Draft Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff. Demonstrating the Substantial Equivalence of a New Tobacco Product: Responses to Frequently Asked Questions." While the answers to several of the questions seemed to have beenwritten by bureaucrats and not those really familiar with tobacco products, the answer to Question 11 under Part II. C. Additives/Specifications is particularly troubling not only because it appears to have been written by someone with knowledge of ingredients, but also because it appears to be an initial step to drive the small tobacco product manufacturers out of business.
机译:FDA烟草产品科学咨询委员会成员John Lauterbach博士想知道是否需要一个委员会来教育FDA科学家。 9月初,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)烟草制品中心(CTP)发布了题为“工业和FDA员工草案指南。证明了新烟草制品的实质等效性:对常见问题的回答。”尽管对几个问题的回答似乎是官僚们写的,而不是那些真正熟悉烟草制品的人,但第二部分是对问题11的回答。 C.添加剂/规格特别令人不安,不仅因为它似乎是由具有成分知识的人撰写的,而且还因为它似乎是驱使小型烟草制品制造商倒闭的第一步。



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