
Priapism caused by cavernosal arterio-lacunar fistula during hemodialysis: a case report.


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Priapism caused by an arterio-lacunar fistula following hemodialysis is a relatively infrequent phenomenon. Continuing the hemodialysis session during penile erection can prove to be troublesome because attempts to do so can lead to complications, such as bleeding ana urethral trauma.A 25-year-old Asian man was admitted with priapism. He had been well until six hours beforehand, when he experienced priapism during hemodialysis. The hemodialysis session was terminated for this reason. There was no pain or tenderness, and the penis was incompletely but constantly rigid. Sexual stimulation may have been able to cause a further increase in penile rigidity. The patient denied previous events of priapism, substance abuse, genital trauma, or a history of erectile dysfunction.


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