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Immune system plays important role in nanoparticle drug delivery, new research says


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A recent collaboration, published in ACS Nano, between researchers at the University of Brighton and the Technical University of Denmark has shown that the body's immune system plays a key role in nanoparticle drug delivery. Nanoscale technology has been demonstrated in recent years to offer great opportunity in terms of the targeted delivery of therapeutics for the treatment of diseases such as cancer, as lead researcher Moein Moghimi explains "Researchers today are able to encapsulate medicine in nanoparticles the size of viruses. The nanoparticles are effective for drug delivery - the delivery of the medicine to the body - because they can very precisely find diseased cells and carry the medicine to them. This means that you can suffice with less dosage and thereby fewer side effects". The study focused on nanoparticle surface coating and showed that the nature of this coating has the potential to greatly affect the body's immune response to the administered particles. These findings are important from a particle-design, drug-delivery and clinical perspective, and are discussed in an opinion piece in the high-profile Nature Nanotechnology.
机译:布莱顿大学和丹麦技术大学的研究人员最近在ACS Nano上发表的一项合作表明,人体的免疫系统在纳米颗粒药物传递中起着关键作用。近年来,纳米技术已被证明可以针对癌症等疾病的治疗方法有针对性地提供巨大的机会,正如首席研究员Moein Moghimi解释说:“如今,研究人员能够将药物包裹在病毒大小的纳米颗粒中。纳米粒子可有效地将药物输送到体内-将药物输送到身体-因为它们可以非常精确地找到患病的细胞并将药物携带到他们身上。这意味着您可以用更少的剂量就足够了,从而减少了副作用。”该研究集中在纳米颗粒表面涂层上,表明该涂层的性质有可能极大地影响人体对给药颗粒的免疫反应。从颗粒设计,药物输送和临床角度来看,这些发现很重要,并且在引人注目的“自然纳米技术”中发表了评论。



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