
HIF1 signalling regulates venous thrombus resolution


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The number of deaths that are attributable to pulmonary embolism resulting from deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the UK (> 25 000/year) is greater than the number caused by breast cancer, HIV, and road traffic-accidents combined [1]. Approximately one third of patients with DVT develop post-thrombotic syndrome, which is characterised by long-term and debilitating symptoms including leg pain, swelling, and ulceration [2]. Post-thrombotic complications are not, however, a corollary of DVT, as clinical studies show that rapid resolution improves patient outcome and reduces post-thrombotic complications [3-5]. Current treatments for DVT include anticoagulation and thrombolysis. Anticoagulants prevent thrombus extension, but do little to remove the thrombus, which naturally resolves through a slow process of organisation similar to wound healing [6]. Thrombolysis removes the thrombus rapidly, but its use is restricted to fresh thrombus, and furthermore, both anticoagulation and thrombolysis predispose to an increased risk of pathological bleeding. Novel therapies that accelerate thrombus resolution without the risk of haemorrhage may arise from a better understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms that control this remodelling process.
机译:在英国,深静脉血栓形成(DVT)导致的肺栓塞死亡人数(> 25,000 /年)大于乳腺癌,艾滋病毒和道路交通事故造成的死亡人数之和[1]。 DVT患者中约有三分之一患有血栓形成后综合症,其特征是长期且虚弱的症状,包括腿部疼痛,肿胀和溃疡[2]。然而,血栓后并发症并不是DVT的必然结果,因为临床研究表明,快速解决可以改善患者预后并减少血栓后并发症[3-5]。 DVT的当前治疗方法包括抗凝和溶栓。抗凝剂可防止血栓扩展,但几乎无助于去除血栓,血栓可通过类似于伤口愈合的缓慢组织过程自然消融[6]。溶栓可迅速清除血栓,但仅限于新鲜的血栓使用,此外,抗凝和溶栓作用均会增加病理性出血的风险。可以更好地理解控制重塑过程的分子和细胞机制,可能会产生可以加速血栓消退而无出血风险的新疗法。



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