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Slipping and Tipping: Measuring Static Friction with a Straightedge


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Following a discussion of forces, torques, and the conditions for static equilibrium, I tell my introductory mechanics class that I will show them how to measure the coefficient of static friction, μ_s, between the surfaces of a block and the front bench using nothing but a straightedge. After a few seconds of hushed anticipation, I nudge the block in Fig. 1 (a) gently with the straightedge, applying a horizontal force F that gradually increases from zero to a value that either causes the object to slip (Fs) or to tip (Ft). Which of these happens first depends on μs, the depth D of the block, and on h, the height above the bench surface at which F is applied. Starting at the bottom of the block, it tends to slip before tipping, but there is a critical height hc above which the block tips before slipping. The value of hc at which this transition occurs is then used to produce a value of μs for these surfaces.



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