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Honey in wound management: Myth, mystery, magic or marvel?


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The value of honey in wound management has been appreciated world-wide for millennia in almost all civilisations; the Edwin Smith papyrus (1500 BC) mentioned the treatment of burns with honey and grease, and written reports of its value in wound management date back to mediaeval times. Despite the general recognition of the ‘benefits’ of the use of honey in wound management, medical and veterinary texts published through the 19th and 20th centuries singularly failed to recognise it as an aid to wound management; almost no reference is made in any veterinary surgical texts – honey seemed to have become a forgotten topic. In contrast, in the 21st century the breadth of honey’s properties in wound management (both veterinary and human) and in other medical areas has resulted in several hundred publications and even text books dedicated to it.
机译:几千年来,几乎在所有文明中,蜂蜜在伤口处理方面的价值在全世界范围内都得到了认可。埃德温·史密斯(Edwin Smith)纸莎草纸(公元前1500年)提到用蜂蜜和油脂治疗烧伤,并且书面报告其在伤口处理中的价值可追溯到中世纪。尽管人们普遍认识到在伤口处理中使用蜂蜜有“好处”,但在19世纪和20世纪出版的医学和兽医学文献中,单是未能将其作为伤口处理的辅助手段。在任何兽医外科手术文献中几乎都没有提及-蜂蜜似乎已经成为一个被遗忘的话题。相比之下,在21世纪,蜂蜜在伤口处理(兽医和人类)以及其他医学领域的特性广博,产生了数百种出版物,甚至是专门针对它的教科书。



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