首页> 外文期刊>The Veterinary Record >Detection of cyprinid herpesvirus type 3 in goldfish cohabiting with CyHV-3-infected koi carp (Cyprinus carpio koi).

Detection of cyprinid herpesvirus type 3 in goldfish cohabiting with CyHV-3-infected koi carp (Cyprinus carpio koi).

机译:在与CyHV-3感染的锦鲤(Cyprinus carpio koi)同居的金鱼中检测到3型塞浦路斯疱疹病毒。

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The aim of this study was to detect Cyprinid herpesvirus type 3 (CyHV-3) in goldfish that were cohabiting with CyHV-3-infected koi carp. Three different commercial populations of goldfish which cohabited with koi carp infected with CyHV-3 were included; the first had 38 koi and 80 goldfish, the second 200 small koi and ~50 goldfish, and the third 500 fish of each species. After 4 weeks of cohabitation, all the koi carp died and were found positive for CyHV-3 by PCR. Two weeks later, 15 goldfish (5 from each population) were sampled. LAMP assay indicated that 6 of the 15 samples were positive for CyHV-3. PCR amplified the predicted 409-bp fragment of the TK gene of CyHV-3 in the 6 samples positive by LAMP assay.
机译:这项研究的目的是在与CyHV-3感染的锦鲤同居的金鱼中检测出3型赛普拉斯疱疹病毒(CyHV-3)。包括与CyHV-3感染的锦鲤同居的三个不同的金鱼商业种群;第一个有38个锦鲤和80个金鱼,第二个有200个小锦鲤和〜50个金鱼,第三个有500种。同居4周后,所有锦鲤都死亡,并通过PCR发现CyHV-3呈阳性。两周后,取样了15条金鱼(每个种群5条)。 LAMP测定表明15个样品中有6个为CyHV-3阳性。 PCR通过LAMP分析在6个阳性样本中扩增了CyHV-3 TK基因的409 bp预测片段。



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