首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical computer science >RealLife: the continuum limit of Larger than Life cellular automata

RealLife: the continuum limit of Larger than Life cellular automata


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Let A := {0, 1}. A cellular automaton (CA) is a shift-commuting transformation of A{sup}Z{sup}D determined by a local rule. Likewise, a Euclidean automaton (EA) is a shift-commuting transformation of A{sup}R{sup}D determined by a local rule. Larger than Life (LtL) CA are long-range generalizations of J. H. Conway's Game of Life CA, proposed by K. M. Evans. We prove a conjecture of Evans: as their radius grows to infinity, LtL CA converge to a 'continuum limit' EA, which we call RealLife. We also show that the life forms (fixed points, periodic orbits, and propagating structures) of LtL CA converge to life forms of RealLife. Finally we prove a number of existence results for fixed points of RealLife.
机译:设A:= {0,1}。元胞自动机(CA)是由局部规则确定的A {sup} Z {sup} D的换向变换。同样,欧几里德自动机(EA)是由局部规则确定的A {sup} R {sup} D的移位变换。比生命(LtL)CA大,是K. M. Evans提出的J. H. Conway的生命游戏CA的长期概括。我们证明了Evans的猜想:随着它们的半径增大到无穷大,LtL CA收敛到“连续极限” EA(我们称为RealLife)。我们还表明,LtL CA的生命形式(不动点,周期轨道和传播结构)收敛于RealLife的生命形式。最后,我们证明了RealLife固定点的许多存在性结果。



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