首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical computer science >A generalization of diagonal flips in a convex polygon

A generalization of diagonal flips in a convex polygon


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A diagonal flip is an operation that converts one triangulation of a convex polygon into another. in this paper we generalize this operation to prove some results including the next theorem. Theorem. Let E-1 and E-2 be any two sets of edges in a convex polygon such that each Ei has no t + 1 pairwise crossing edges and E-i U {e} contains t + 1 pairwise crossing edges for any edge e is not an element of E-i. Then, E-1 can be transformed into E-2 by a sequence of diagonal flips such that each flip changes one edge to another preserving the above property. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 7]
机译:对角翻转是将凸多边形的一个三角剖分转换为另一三角形的运算。在本文中,我们对该操作进行了概括,以证明一些结果,包括下一个定理。定理。令E-1和E-2为凸多边形中的任意两组边,使得每个Ei没有t + 1成对相交的边,而Ei U {e}包含t + 1成对相交的边,对于任何边e都不是Ei的元素。然后,可以通过一系列对角翻转将E-1转换为E-2,以使每个翻转将一个边缘更改为另一边缘,从而保留上述属性。 (C)2000 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:7]



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