首页> 外文期刊>The Pediatric infectious disease journal >Effect of fever on the serum antibody response of Gambian children to Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine.

Effect of fever on the serum antibody response of Gambian children to Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine.


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BACKGROUND: Acute malaria is a major pediatric problem in developing countries and it is known to be immunosuppressive. METHODS: The serum antibody response to Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccine was investigated in children ages 12 to 30 months with fever associated with malaria, fever associated with other causes or no fever. Groups of 57 children with malaria, 57 children with fever without malaria and 60 healthy children were bled and vaccinated with a single dose of H. influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide-tetanus protein conjugate vaccine. Of these 137 were bled again 1 to 2 months after vaccination. RESULTS: The median antibody titers at baseline were low and similar in the three groups; 77, 65 and 57% of children in the malaria, febrile and healthy groups, respectively, had prevaccination titers of anti-polyribosylribitol phosphate antibodies below 0.15 microg/ml. The median antibody titers after vaccination were 6.3, 7.5 and 23 microg/ml in the malaria, febrile and healthy groups, respectively (P < 0.001, healthy group vs. the two febrile groups). All the healthy children had protective titers (>0.15 microg/ml) after vaccination, but 11% of the children with malaria and 4% of the other febrile children did not have protective titers. CONCLUSIONS: Anti-polyribosylribitol phosphate titers after Hib vaccination were lower in children with malaria or other febrile illnesses at the time of vaccination than in controls. Fever associated with malaria or other acute illnesses is associated with a diminished response to Hib conjugate vaccine. These findings raise questions about the vaccination of febrile children and indicate the need for further studies in this area.
机译:背景:急性疟疾是发展中国家的主要儿科问题,已知具有免疫抑制作用。方法:对年龄在12至30个月的患有疟疾,其他原因引起的发热或不发烧的儿童,研究了其对b型流感嗜血杆菌(Hib)结合疫苗的血清抗体反应。对57例患疟疾的儿童,57例无疟疾发烧的儿童和60例健康的儿童进行了抽血并接种了单剂量的b型流感嗜血杆菌荚膜多糖-破伤风蛋白结合疫苗。接种疫苗后1至2个月,其中137例再次出血。结果:三组的基线抗体滴度中位数较低且相似。疟疾,高热和健康人群中分别有77%,65%和57%的儿童的抗多核糖基核糖醇磷酸抗体的疫苗预滴度低于0.15微克/毫升。疟疾,发热和健康组的疫苗接种后中位抗体滴度分别为6.3、7.5和23 microg / ml(P <0.001,健康组与两个发热组相比)。接种疫苗后,所有健康儿童均具有保护性滴度(> 0.15微克/毫升),但是11%的疟疾儿童和4%的其他高热儿童没有保护性滴度。结论:Hib疫苗接种后的疟疾或其他发热性疾病患儿在接种Hib疫苗后的抗聚核糖核苷磷酸酯滴度低于对照组。与疟疾或其他急性疾病相关的发热与对Hib结合疫苗的应答减弱有关。这些发现提出了有关高热儿童疫苗接种的问题,并表明有必要在这一领域进行进一步的研究。



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