首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Limits to sustained energy intake VII. Milk energy output in laboratory mice at thermoneutrality

Limits to sustained energy intake VII. Milk energy output in laboratory mice at thermoneutrality


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The limits to sustained energy intake at peak lactation could be imposed peripherally, by the capacity of the mammary glands, or centrally, by the capacity of the animal to dissipate body heat generated as a by-product of processing food and producing milk. To distinguish between the two hypotheses, we examined milk energy output at peak lactation in MF1 laboratory mice exposed to 30degreesC (N=12), 21degreesC (N=10; published data) and 8degreesC (N=10; published data). The peripheral limitation hypothesis predicts that milk energy output will remain constant at different temperatures, while the heat dissipation limit hypothesis predicts a decline in milk energy output as temperature increases. Since estimates of milk energy output in small mammals can vary depending on the calculation method used, we evaluated the milk energy output of mice (N=24) using four different methods: (1) as the difference between metabolizable energy intake and daily energy expenditure of the female, (2) from female water turnover, (3) from pup water turnover and (4) from the energy budget of the litter. We assessed these four methods by comparing their accuracy, precision and sensitivity to changes in parameters involved in the calculations. Methods 1, 3 and 4 produced similar estimates of milk energy output, while those derived from female water turnover were significantly lower and more variable. On average, mice at 30degreesC exported significantly less energy as milk (87.7 kJ day(-1)) than mice at 21degreesC (166.7 kJ day(-1)) and 8degreesC (288.0 kJ day(-1)). This reduction in milk energy output at 30degreesC was caused by a significant decline in both milk flow (20.0 g day(-1), 12.9 g day(-1) and 8.5 g day(-1) at 8degreesC, 21degreesC and 30degreesC, respectively) and gross energy content of milk (14.6 kJ g(-1), 13.1 kJ g(-1) and 10.5 kJ g(-1) at 8degreesC, 21degreesC and 30degreesC, respectively). Milk produced at 30'C contained significantly less total solids (34.4%) than milk at 21degreesC (40.9%) and 8degreesC (41.5%) and significantly less fat (20.0%) than milk at 21degreesC (26.4%) and 8degreesC (30.3%). The reduced milk energy output in mice exposed to 30degreesC, paralleled by their reduced food intake and low reproductive output, argues against the peripheral limitation hypothesis and provides strong support for the heat dissipation limit hypothesis.
机译:泌乳高峰期持续摄取能量的限制可以通过乳腺的能力在周围或在中央通过动物消散作为加工食品和生产牛奶的副产品而产生的体热的能力来施加。为了区分这两种假设,我们检查了暴露于30°C(N = 12),21°C(N = 10;已发布数据)和8°C(N = 10;已发布数据)的MF1实验小鼠泌乳高峰时的乳汁能量输出。外围极限假设预测牛奶能量输出在不同温度下将保持恒定,而散热极限假设预测牛奶能量输出随温度升高而下降。由于小型哺乳动物的乳汁能量输出估算值可能会因所使用的计算方法而异,因此我们使用四种不同的方法评估了小鼠(N = 24)的乳汁能量输出:(1)作为可代谢能量摄入量与每日能量消耗之间的差异其中,(2)来自雌性水周转量,(3)来自幼崽水周转量,(4)来自垫料的能量收支。我们通过比较它们在计算中涉及的参数变化的准确性,精确性和敏感性来评估了这四种方法。方法1、3和4对牛奶的能量输出进行了相似的估算,而从雌性水周转率得出的估算值则明显较低,且变化较大。平均而言,与21°C(166.7 kJ day(-1))和8°C(288.0 kJ day(-1))相比,30°C小鼠的乳汁能量输出(87.7 kJ day(-1))少得多。 30摄氏度时牛奶能量输出的减少是由于两种牛奶流量显着下降(分别在8摄氏度,21摄氏度和30摄氏度时分别为20.0 g day(-1),12.9 g day(-1)和8.5 g day(-1)) )和牛奶的总能量含量(分别在8°C,21°C和30°C时分别为14.6 kJ g(-1),13.1 kJ g(-1)和10.5 kJ g(-1))。与21°C(26.4%)和8°C(30.3%)的牛奶相比,在21°C(40.9%)和8°C(41.5%)的牛奶中,总固体含量(34.4%)显着少,脂肪(20.0%)显着降低)。暴露于30°C的小鼠体内减少的乳汁能量输出,与减少的食物摄入量和低的生殖能力同时出现,与外围限制假说相抵触,并为散热限制假说提供了有力的支持。



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