首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Benefits of haemoglobin in the cladoceran crustacean Daphnia magna

Benefits of haemoglobin in the cladoceran crustacean Daphnia magna


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To determine the contribution of haemoglobin (Hb) to the hypoxia-tolerance of Daphnia magna, we exposed Hb-poor and Hb-rich individuals (2.4-2.8mm long) to a stepwise decrease in ambient oxygen partial pressure (PO2amb) over a period of 51min from normoxia (20.56kPa) to anoxia (<0.27kPa) and looked for differences in their physiological performance. The haem-based concentrations of Hb in the haemolymph were 49 mu moll(-1) in Hb-poor and 337 mu moll(-1) in Hb-rich animals, respectively. The experimental apparatus made simultaneous measurement of appendage beating rate (fA), NADH fluorescence intensity (I-NADH) of the appendage muscles, heart rate (fh) and in vivo Hb oxygen-saturation possible. In response to progressive, moderate hypoxia, both groups showed pronounced tachycardia and a slight decrease in fA. The fA and fH of Hb-rich animals were generally 4-6 % lower than those of Hb-poor animals. In addition, Hb-rich animals showed a significant decrease in the P-O2amb at which the Hb in the heart region was half-saturated and a striking reduction in the critical P-O2amb Of appendage-related variables. In Hb-poor animals, the INADH signal indicated that the oxygen supply to the limb muscle tissue started to become impeded at a critical P-O2amb of 4.75 kPa, although the high level of fA was largely maintained until 1.77 kPa. The obvious discrepancy between these two critical P-O2amb values suggested an anaerobic supplementation of energy provision in the range 4.75-1.77 kPa. The fact that I-NADH of Hb-rich animals did not rise until PO,amb fell below 1.32 kPa strongly suggests that the extra Hb available to Hb-rich animals ensured an adequate oxygen supply to the limb muscle tissue in the P-O2amb range 4.75-1.32 kPa. This finding illustrates the physiological benefit of Hb in enabling the animal to sustain its aerobic metabolism as the energetically most efficient mode of fuel utilization under conditions of reduced oxygen availability.
机译:为了确定血红蛋白(Hb)对水蚤耐缺氧性的贡献,我们将贫Hb和富Hb个体(长2.4-2.8mm)暴露于一段时间内环境氧分压(PO2amb)的逐步降低中从常氧(20.56kPa)到缺氧(<0.27kPa)的51分钟内,观察其生理表现的差异。在贫血人群中,血淋巴中基于血红素的血红蛋白浓度分别为49 mu moll(-1)和在富含Hb的动物中为337 mu moll(-1)。实验设备可以同时测量附件的跳动率(fA),附件肌肉的NADH荧光强度(I-NADH),心率(fh)和体内Hb氧饱和度。响应进行性中度缺氧,两组均显示明显的心动过速和fA轻微降低。富含Hb的动物的fA和fH通常比缺乏Hb的动物低4-6%。此外,富含Hb的动物的P-O2amb显着下降,此时心脏区域的Hb达到半饱和,而与附件相关的变量的关键P-O2amb显着下降。在Hb贫乏的动物中,INADH信号表明在4.75 kPa的临界P-O2amb处,肢体肌肉组织的氧气供应开始受到阻碍,尽管fA的高水平一直保持到1.77 kPa。这两个临界P-O2amb值之间存在明显差异,表明在4.75-1.77 kPa范围内无氧补充能量。富含Hb的动物的I-NADH直到PO,amb降至1.32 kPa以下才上升,这强烈表明富含Hb的动物可利用的额外Hb确保在P-O2amb范围内为肢体肌肉组织提供足够的氧气供应。 4.75-1.32 kPa。这一发现说明了血红蛋白在使动物维持其有氧代谢方面的生理益处,这是在氧气供应减少的条件下,能量利用最有效的燃料利用方式。



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