首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Out of the blue: the evolution of horizontally polarized signals in Haptosquilla (Crustacea, Stomatopoda, Protosquillidae)

Out of the blue: the evolution of horizontally polarized signals in Haptosquilla (Crustacea, Stomatopoda, Protosquillidae)


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The polarization of light provides information that is used by many animals for a number of different visually guided behaviours. Several marine species, such as stomatopod crustaceans and cephalopod molluscs, communicate using visual signals that contain polarized information, content that is often part of a more complex multidimensional visual signal. In this work, we investigate the evolution of polarized signals in species of Haptosquilla, a widespread genus of stomatopod, as well as related protosquillids. We present evidence for a pre-existing bias towards horizontally polarized signal content and demonstrate that the properties of the polarization vision system in these animals increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the signal. Combining these results with the increase in efficacy that polarization provides over intensity and hue in a shallow marine environment, we propose a joint framework for the evolution of the polarized form of these complex signals based on both efficacy-driven (proximate) and content-driven (ultimate) selection pressures
机译:光的偏振提供了许多动物用于许多不同的视觉引导行为的信息。几种海洋物种,例如气孔足类甲壳类动物和头足类软体动物,使用包含极化信息的视觉信号进行通信,这些信息通常是更复杂的多维视觉信号的一部分。在这项工作中,我们调查了Haptosquilla(气孔足类的广泛属)以及相关原鳞鱼物种中极化信号的演变。我们为水平极化信号的内容提供了现有偏差的证据,并证明了这些动物中的极化视觉系统的特性增加了信号的信噪比。将这些结果与极化在浅海环境中提供强度和色相的功效提高相结合,我们提出了基于功效驱动(接近)和内容驱动的演化这些复杂信号极化形式的联合框架。 (最终)选择压力



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