首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Hindlimb interarticular coordinations in Microcebus murinus in maximal leaping

Hindlimb interarticular coordinations in Microcebus murinus in maximal leaping


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the pattern of coordinations of the hindlimb joints in the world's smallest living primate (Microcebus murinus). The sequencing and timing of joint rotations have been analyzed in five adult males performing maximal leaping from a take-off immobile platform to their own wooden nest. Angular kinematics of hip, knee, angle and metatarso-phalangeal (MT) joints were deduced from high-speed X-ray films in the sagittal plane of the animals. The body mass center (BMC) of the lemurs was assimilated to their iliac crest. The maximal airborne performance of the lemurs was 0.33 +/- 0.04. m, which represented 2.55 +/- 0.36 times their snout-vent length. Take-off instant occurred 72 +/- 7 ms after the start of the push-off, with a BMC velocity of 3.23 +/- 0.48 m s(-1), oriented 55 +/- 14 deg. with the horizontal plane. The kinematic analysis of the joints and musculotendon architecture of the M. murinus plantar flexors pointed out mechanical power amplifier mechanisms (i.e. stretch-shortening cycle of hindlimb muscles and proximo-to-distal sequence).
机译:这项研究的目的是研究世界上最小的灵长类动物(Microcebus murinus)中后肢关节的协调模式。已经对五名成年雄性进行了关节旋转的顺序和时序分析,这些雄性雄性从起飞固定平台向自己的木巢最大跃进。髋,膝,角和tar指(MT)关节的角运动学是从动物矢状面的高速X射线胶片推导出的。狐猴的体重中心(BMC)被同化为。狐猴的最大空中飞行性能为0.33 +/- 0.04。 m,代表其鼻孔长度的2.55 +/- 0.36倍。起飞瞬间在起飞开始后72 +/- 7 ms发生,BMC速度为3.23 +/- 0.48 m s(-1),方向为55 +/- 14度。与水平面。运动学分析的mu肌屈肌关节和肌肉腱结构指出了机械功率放大器机制(即后肢肌肉的拉伸缩短周期和近端到远端的序列)。



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