首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Cockroaches breathe discontinuously to reduce respiratory water loss

Cockroaches breathe discontinuously to reduce respiratory water loss


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The reasons why many insects breathe discontinuously at rest are poorly understood and hotly debated. Three adaptive hypotheses attempt to explain the significance of these discontinuous gas exchange cycles (DGCs), whether it be to save water, to facilitate gas exchange in underground environments or to limit oxidative damage. Comparative studies favour the water saving hypothesis and mechanistic studies are equivocal but no study has examined the acclimation responses of adult insects chronically exposed to a range of respiratory environments. The present research is the first manipulative study of such chronic exposure to take a strong-inference approach to evaluating the competing hypotheses according to the explicit predictions stemming from them. Adult cockroaches (Nauphoeta cinerea) were chronically exposed to various treatments of different respiratory gas compositions (O-2, CO2 and humidity) and the DGC responses were interpreted in light of the a priori predictions stemming from the competing hypotheses. Rates of mass loss during respirometry were also measured for animals acclimated to a range of humidity conditions. The results refute the hypotheses of oxidative damage and underground gas exchange, and provide evidence supporting the hypothesis that DGCs serve to reduce respiratory water loss: cockroaches exposed to low humidity conditions exchange respiratory gases for shorter durations during each DGC and showed lower rates of body mass loss during respirometry than cockroaches exposed to high humidity conditions.
机译:许多昆虫在休息时不连续呼吸的原因尚未得到很好的理解,并引起了激烈的争论。三种适应性假设试图解释这些不连续气体交换循环(DGC)的重要性,无论是为了节约用水,促进地下环境中的气体交换或限制氧化损伤。比较研究支持节水假说,而机理研究则模棱两可,但尚无研究检验长期暴露于各种呼吸环境的成年昆虫的适应性反应。本研究是对这种长期暴露的第一个操纵性研究,它采用强推论方法根据源自它们的明确预测来评估竞争假设。将成年蟑螂(Nauphoeta cinerea)长期暴露于不同呼吸气体成分(O-2,CO2和湿度)的各种处理之下,并根据竞争假设的先验预测解释了DGC的反应。还测量了在一定湿度条件下适应的动物的呼吸测定过程中的质量损失率。结果驳斥了氧化损伤和地下气体交换的假设,并提供了支持以下假设的证据:DGC可减少呼吸失水:暴露于低湿度条件下的蟑螂在每个DGC期间交换呼吸气体的时间更短,并显示出较低的体重发生率在呼吸测定过程中的损失比暴露在高湿度条件下的蟑螂要少。



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