首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Physiology >Limited oxygen diffusion accelerates fatigue development in mouse skeletal muscle

Limited oxygen diffusion accelerates fatigue development in mouse skeletal muscle


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Isolated whole skeletal muscles fatigue more rapidly than isolated single muscle fibres. We have now employed this difference to study mechanisms of skeletal muscle fatigue. Isolated whole soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles were fatigued by repeated tetanic stimulation while measuring force production. Neither application of 10 mM lactic acid nor increasing the [K+] of the bath solution from 5 to 10 mM had any significant effect on the rate of force decline during fatigue induced by repeated brief tetani. Soleus muscles fatigued slightly faster during continuous tetanic stimulation in 10 mM [K~+ ]. Inhibition of mitochondrial respiration with cyanide resulted in a faster fatigue development in both soleus and EDL muscles. Single soleus muscle fibres were fatigued by repeated tetani while measuring force and myo-plasmic free [Ca~2+] ([Ca~2+]i). Under control conditions, the single fibres were substantially more fatigue resistant than the whole soleus muscles; tetanic force at the end of a series of 100 tetani was reduced by about 10% and 50%, respectively. However, in the presence of cyanide, fatigue developed at a similar rate in whole muscles and single fibres, and tetanic force at the end of fatiguing stimulation was reduced by ~80%. The force decrease in the presence of cyanide was associated with a ~50% decrease in tetanic [Ca~2+];, compared with an increase of ~20% without cyanide. In conclusion, lactic acid or [K~+ ] has little impact on fatigue induced by repeated tetani, whereas hypoxia speeds up fatigue development and this is mainly due to an impaired Ca~2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
机译:孤立的整个骨骼肌比孤立的单个肌纤维疲劳更快。现在,我们已经利用这种差异来研究骨骼肌疲劳的机制。通过反复的强直刺激,同时测量力量产生,使孤立的比目鱼肌和趾长伸肌(EDL)肌肉疲劳。无论是施用10 mM乳酸,还是将浴液的[K +]从5增加到10 mM,都不会对反复短暂的破伤风引起的疲劳期间的力量下降速率产生任何显着影响。在10 mM [K〜+]的连续强直性刺激期间,比目鱼肌的疲劳稍快一些。氰化物抑制线粒体呼吸导致比目鱼肌和EDL肌肉更快的疲劳发展。比目鱼肌的单肌纤维通过反复的破伤风而疲劳,同时测量力和肌浆游离的[Ca〜2 +]([Ca〜2 +] i)。在控制条件下,单根纤维比比目鱼肌具有更好的抗疲劳性。一系列100个破伤风结束时的强力分别降低了约10%和50%。但是,在存在氰化物的情况下,全肌肉和单纤维的疲劳发展速度相似,疲劳刺激结束时的强直作用力降低了约80%。在存在氰化物的情况下,力的下降与破伤风[Ca〜2 +]的〜50%的下降有关,而在没有氰化物的情况下,力的下降为〜20%。总之,乳酸或[K〜+]对重复的破伤风所引起的疲劳影响不大,而缺氧则加速了疲劳的发展,这主要是由于从肌浆网释放的Ca〜2 +受损。



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