首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Official Journal of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition >Effect of vitamin A supplementation with BCG vaccine at birth on vitamin A status at 6 wk and 4 mo of age

Effect of vitamin A supplementation with BCG vaccine at birth on vitamin A status at 6 wk and 4 mo of age


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BACKGROUND: The effect of vitamin A supplementation (VAS) at birth on subsequent vitamin A status has not been studied. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to study the effect of 50 000 IU vitamin A administered with BCG vaccine at birth on vitamin A status in both sexes. DESIGN: Within a randomized placebo-controlled trial of VAS, we obtained blood from 614 children at 6 wk of age and from 369 mother-infant pairs at 4 mo of age. We assessed vitamin A status on the basis of serum retinol-binding protein (RBP) and measured serum C-reactive protein to monitor for concurrent infections. RESULTS: RBP concentrations indicated vitamin A deficiency in 32% of the children at age 6 wk and in 16% at age 4 mo. VAS was not associated with higher RBP concentrations overall or in either sex. However, the effect of VAS varied with maternal education (P for interaction = 0.004): At age 6 wk, VAS was associated with higher (9%; 95% CI: 2, 17%) RBP concentrations in children of noneducated mothers but not in children of educated mothers. Overall, RBP concentrations increased between 6 wk and 4 mo of age. The increase correlated inversely with the number of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccines received in the interval (P = 0.009), particularly in girls (P for interaction = 0.01) and in vitamin A recipients (P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Overall, VAS at birth had no effect on vitamin A status. However VAS may temporarily improve vitamin A status in the subgroup of children of noneducated mothers. In vitamin A recipients, subsequent DTP vaccines affected vitamin A status negatively. The main trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00168597.
机译:背景:尚未研究出生时补充维生素A(VAS)对随后维生素A状况的影响。目的:研究出生时接种卡介苗疫苗的5万IU维生素A对男女维生素A状态的影响。设计:在一项随机的安慰剂对照VAS试验中,我们从6周龄的614名儿童和4月龄的369对母婴中抽取了血液。我们根据血清视黄醇结合蛋白(RBP)评估了维生素A的状态,并测量了血清C反应蛋白以监测并发感染。结果:RBP浓度表明6周龄儿童中32%的儿童维生素A缺乏,而4 mo月龄中16%的儿童维生素A缺乏。 VAS与总体或两性中较高的RBP浓度无关。但是,VAS的影响随孕产妇的教育而异(互动的P = 0.004):在6周龄时,VAS与未受过教育的母亲的孩子中较高的RBP浓度(9%; 95%CI:2、17%)相关,但与未受过教育的母亲相关在受过良好教育的母亲的孩子中。总体而言,RBP浓度在6周龄至4月龄之间增加。这种增加与在该时间间隔内(P = 0.009)接受的白喉-破伤风-百日咳(DTP)疫苗的数量成反比,特别是在女孩(相互作用的P = 0.01)和维生素A接受者(P = 0.01)中。结论:总体而言,出生时的VAS对维生素A状态没有影响。但是,VAS可能会暂时改善未受过教育的母亲儿童亚组中的维生素A状况。在维生素A接受者中,后续的DTP疫苗会对维生素A的状况产生负面影响。主要试验已在Clinicaltrials.gov上注册为NCT00168597。



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