首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Official Journal of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition >Intermittent oral administration of potassium iodide solution for the correction of iodine deficiency (see comments)

Intermittent oral administration of potassium iodide solution for the correction of iodine deficiency (see comments)


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Iodized salt and iodized oil are the main methods used to prevent iodine deficiency, but sometimes alternative approaches are needed. We tested the efficacy of various regimens for the intermittent administration of potassium iodide in Hwedza, Zimbabwe, an area of known severe iodine deficiency. We divided 304 schoolchildren aged 7-13 y into five equal groups that received iodine as a 10% solution of potassium iodide as follows: 8.7 mg every 2 wk (group A), 29.7 mg every month (group B), 148.2 mg every 3 mo (group C), 382 mg every 6 mo (group D), or 993 mg once (group E). The follow-up period was 13 mo. No adverse effects were encountered with any of these doses. After 6 mo, the median blood spot thyroglobulin concentration had decreased in all groups and had normalized in groups A and B to values found in iodine-sufficient populations. The number of children with elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone concentrations decreased in groups A-C, but the changes were not significant. Urine iodine concentration generally remained low in all groups but increased in group A. After 13 mo, mean thyroid volume measured by ultrasound had decreased in groups A and B to values comparable with those in iodine-sufficient areas, and was unchanged in the other groups. We conclude that oral potassium iodide is effective for the prophylaxis of iodine deficiency if given as a dose of 30 mg I monthly or 8 mg biweekly.
机译:碘盐和碘油是预防碘缺乏的主要方法,但有时需要替代方法。我们在津巴布韦的Hwedza(已知严重碘缺乏的地区)间断给药碘化钾的各种方案的功效进行了测试。我们将304名7-13岁的学龄儿童分为五个相等的组,分别接受碘作为10%碘化钾溶液的碘:每2周8.7毫克(A组),每月29.7毫克(B组),每3周148.2毫克mo(C组),每6 mo 382 mg(D组)或993 mg一次(E组)。随访时间为13 mo。这些剂量均未遇到不良反应。 6个月后,所有组的血中甲状腺球蛋白浓度中位数均下降,并且在A组和B组中均已正常化至碘充足人群中的值。 A-C组甲状腺刺激激素浓度升高的儿童数量减少,但变化不显着。所有组的尿中碘浓度总体上仍保持较低水平,但在A组中升高。在13个月后,A和B组通过超声测量的平均甲状腺体积已降低至与碘充足区域相当的值,其他组则没有变化。我们得出的结论是,口服碘化钾以每月30 mg I或每两周8 mg的剂量预防碘缺乏症有效。



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