
Up-to-date report of botulinum toxin type A treatment in patients with gustatory sweating (Frey's syndrome).


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Several therapeutic approaches exist to treat gustatory sweating (Frey's syndrome) following parotidectomy. Because of the lack of effective treatment, a new therapeutic modality using botulinum toxin injections was presented previously by our group. The duration of the demonstrated positive effect was essentially unknown so far. Based on our experiences using this technique since December 1993, the purpose of this clinical investigation was to make an up-to-date report and demonstrate the duration of effect of BOTOX injections in patients with severe gustatory sweating. Nineteen patients with severe gustatory sweating have been treated with BOTOX by intracutaneous injections into the affected skin areas. The maximal follow-up time was 33 months. The results were obtained by interviews and controls using Minor's starch iodine test. In all treated cases (n = 19 patients, 22 treated sides) gustatory sweating ceased completely within 2 days. Side effects were absent. In 12 patients gustatory sweating reappeared. The mean duration of effect was 17.3 months (subjective personal communication of 18 patients). Findings show that intracutaneous injection of BOTOX is a highly effective, safe, and minimally invasive treatment of Frey's syndrome with long-lasting therapeutic effect.
机译:腮腺切除术后存在多种治疗味觉出汗(Frey综合征)的治疗方法。由于缺乏有效的治疗方法,我们小组先前提出了使用肉毒杆菌毒素注射的新治疗方法。到目前为止,所证实的积极作用的持续时间基本上是未知的。根据我们自1993年12月以来使用该技术的经验,本临床研究的目的是做出最新报告并证明BOTOX注射剂对重度味觉出汗患者的作用持续时间。 BOTOX已对19名重度味觉出汗严重的患者进行了皮内注射到受影响的皮肤区域的治疗。最长随访时间为33个月。使用Minor的淀粉碘试验通过访谈和对照获得结果。在所有接受治疗的病例中(n = 19例,经治疗的22侧),味觉出汗在2天内完全停止。没有副作用。 12例患者再次出现味觉出汗。平均效果持续时间为17.3个月(18位患者的主观个人交流)。研究结果表明,皮内注射BOTOX是一种有效,安全且微创的Frey综合征治疗方法,具有持久的治疗作用。



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