首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America >Comparing the rhythm and melody of speech and music: The case of British English and French

Comparing the rhythm and melody of speech and music: The case of British English and French


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For over half a century, musicologists and linguists have suggested that the prosody of a culture's native language is reflected in the rhythms and melodies of its instrumental music. Testing this idea requires quantitative methods for comparing musical and spoken rhythm and melody. This study applies such methods to the speech and music of England and France. The results reveal that music reflects patterns of durational contrast between successive vowels in spoken sentences, as well as patterns of pitch interval variability in speech. The methods presented here are suitable for studying speech-music relations in a broad range of cultures. (c) 2006 Acoustical Society of America.
机译:半个多世纪以来,音乐学家和语言学家一直认为,文化母语的韵律反映在其器乐的节奏和旋律中。要验证这个想法,就需要采用定量方法来比较音乐和口头的节奏和旋律。这项研究将这种方法应用于英格兰和法国的语音和音乐。结果表明,音乐反映了口语中连续元音之间持续时间对比的模式,以及语音中音高变化的模式。本文介绍的方法适用于研究多种文化中的言语音乐关系。 (c)2006年美国声学学会。



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