首页> 外文学位 >Children's perception of melody and rhythm as invariant qualities: The selective attention of children in grades 1, 4, and 7 to melody or rhythm in five-note sequences.

Children's perception of melody and rhythm as invariant qualities: The selective attention of children in grades 1, 4, and 7 to melody or rhythm in five-note sequences.


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This exploratory study investigated the tendency of children to perceive rhythm or pitch as the invariant quality of a five-note melody. Of particular interest were differences in the responses of subjects by gender and grade level, and a possible alignment of the results with Piaget's stages of development. A total of 140 students in grades 1, 4, and 7 participated in the study.; Research in the perception of aural stimuli has been limited, and no standardized test was found to be appropriate. The author developed a 10-item Best Match of Aural Stimuli (BMAT-Aural) test based upon available literature. In each item, a five-note melody was followed by two variations, one of which retained the original rhythm and the other retained the original pitches. Students were to listen to each item, and decide which one of the variations was most like the original five-note melody. There was no intended correct response.; This study also considered possible relationships between attention to invariant qualities in aural stimuli, and other skills often associated with music learning. No standardized tests were found to be appropriate, therefore, the author-developed assessment instrument was expanded to five tests. Data were collected with respect to pitch memory, rhythm memory, musical interests and participation, and the perception of visual stimuli.; Responses were analyzed by measures of central tendency, one-way analysis of variance, and the Pearson product-moment correlation. These procedures yielded the following information with respect to the BMAT-Aural, and the perception of an invariant quality in aural stimuli: (1) Subjects tended to choose rhythm-constant variations as the best match of the original melodies. (2) Selective attention may have been influenced by meter, repeated pitches, and/or rhythmic patterns involving single eighth notes. (3) Differences significant to the.10 level were found between the responses of subjects in grades 1 and 7 on choice-preference tasks; no differences were found between grades 1 and 4 or 4 and 7. (4) Differences significant to the.05 level were found between the responses of subjects in all grades on memory tasks. (5) Little or no difference between responses could be attributed to gender. (6) Very few significant correlations existed between scores on the BMAT-Aural and other variables.
机译:这项探索性研究调查了儿童将节奏或音调感知为五音调不变质量的趋势。特别令人感兴趣的是受试者在性别和年级水平上的反应差异,以及结果与伯爵(Piaget)发展阶段的可能一致性。共有140名1、4和7年级的学生参加了研究。关于听觉刺激的研究受到限制,没有标准化的测试是合适的。作者根据现有文献开发了10个项目的最佳听觉刺激匹配(BMAT-Aural)测试。在每个项目中,五音符的旋律之后是两个变体,其中一个保留了原始的节奏,另一个保留了原始的音调。学生要听每个项目,然后决定哪个变体最像原始的五音调旋律。没有预期的正确答案。这项研究还考虑了对听觉刺激的不变质量的关注与通常与音乐学习相关的其他技能之间的可能关系。找不到合适的标准化测试,因此,作者开发的评估工具已扩展到五个测试。收集有关音调记忆,节奏记忆,音乐兴趣和参与以及视觉刺激感知的数据。通过集中趋势的测量,方差的单向分析和皮尔森乘积-矩相关性对响应进行分析。这些程序产生了有关BMAT-Aural的以下信息,以及对Atimal不变质量的感知:(1)对象倾向于选择节奏恒定的变异作为原始旋律的最佳匹配。 (2)选择性注意可能已受到涉及单八分音符的音高,重复音高和/或节奏模式的影响。 (3)在1年级和7年级的学生对选择偏好任务的回答之间,发现到10级有显着差异。在1年级和4年级或4年级和7年级之间没有发现差异。(4)在所有年级的受试者对记忆任务的反应之间发现的差异均达到0.05级。 (5)回答之间的差异很小或没有差异可归因于性别。 (6)BMAT-Aural得分与其他变量之间几乎没有显着的相关性。


  • 作者单位

    University of Minnesota.;

  • 授予单位 University of Minnesota.;
  • 学科 Education Music.
  • 学位 Ph.D.
  • 年度 1988
  • 页码 176 p.
  • 总页数 176
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类 J6-4;
  • 关键词


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