首页> 外文期刊>The Library Quarterly: A Journal of Investigation and Discussion in the Field of Library Science >The art of history and eighteenth-century information management: Christian Gottlieb J?cher and Johann Heinrich Zedler

The art of history and eighteenth-century information management: Christian Gottlieb J?cher and Johann Heinrich Zedler

机译:历史的艺术和18世纪的信息管理:Christian Gottlieb J?cher和Johann Heinrich Zedler

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In the eighteenth century there were enough printed sources and archival materials to challenge or even overwhelm historians of that day. Two productive editors of lexicons and information management were Christian Gottlieb J?cher, who taught history at the University of Leipzig and became the chief librarian at his university, and Johann Heinrich Zedler, an eminent collector of biographical data. J?cher published his multivolume Allegemeines Gelehrten Lexicon in 1750-51. J?cher's chief rival and competitor, Zedler, published and finished his 64-volume Universal-Lexicon in 1732-50. Both J?cher and Zedler claimed much networking among other scholars. Some questions treated in this essay include the following: What characterized J?cher's and Zedler's library and source management? In what ways is their viral work still of use and value to librarians and other scholars? Does revisiting old and dusty scholarship help us understand our own information jam?.
机译:在18世纪,有足够的印刷资料和档案资料来挑战甚至淹没当时的历史学家。词典和信息管理的两位卓有成效的编辑是克里斯蒂安·戈特利布·杰切尔(Christian Gottlieb J?cher),他在莱比锡大学教授历史,并成为他所在大学的首席图书馆馆员;约翰·海因里希·泽德勒(Johann Heinrich Zedler)是著名的传记数据收集者。耶歇(J?cher)在1750-51年间出版了他的多卷《 Allegemeines Gelehrten词典》。耶歇尔(J?cher)的主要竞争对手和竞争对手Zedler在1732-50年出版并完成了64卷的Universal-Lexicon。耶歇尔和泽德勒都声称在其他学者中有很多人脉。本文中涉及的一些问题包括:J?cher和Zedler的图书馆和源管理的特点是什么?他们的病毒式工作在哪些方面仍然对图书馆员和其他学者有用和有价值?重访尘土飞扬的奖学金是否有助于我们了解自己的信息拥堵?



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