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Benefits of HIV screening of blood transfusions in Zambia.


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Blood transfusion continues to be an important route of transmission of HIV in developing countries, especially for young children following the perinatal period. Testing for HIV is costly and reliable donor support for the purchase of test kits is often essential, yet difficult to secure. The costs of screening transfusions for HIV and the financial benefits in terms of savings on treatment costs averted were calculated for a district hospital in Zambia where seroprevalence among donors was 15.9%. Financial benefits exceed costs by a factor of 2.7-3.5. In 1991, 1073 transfusions were given and an estimated 150 cases of transfusion-related AIDS were prevented by screening, of which 59% were in children aged 5 years or under and 31% were in women. The total cost of HIV screening was 3061 pounds (Dollars4745), and the cost per case of HIV infection prevented was 20.40 pounds (Dollars31.62); the cost of this protection for the population served by the hospital was 0.02 pounds (Dollars0.03) per person. An estimated 3625 undiscounted healthy years of life were saved, of which nearly 69% were in children under 6, at a cost of 0.85 pounds (Dollars1.32) per year of life saved. It is essential that financial and political support for HIV screening of blood for transfusion is maintained.
机译:在发展中国家,尤其是围生期后的幼儿,输血仍然是艾滋病毒传播的重要途径。艾滋病毒的检测是昂贵的,捐助者对购买试剂盒的可靠支持通常是必不可少的,但很难获得。计算了赞比亚一家地区医院的筛查艾滋病毒输血费用和避免的治疗费用节省所带来的经济利益,该国捐助者的血清阳性率是15.9%。财务收益超过成本的2.7-3.5倍。 1991年,进行了1073次输血,估计通过筛查预防了150例与输血有关的AIDS,其中59%是5岁或5岁以下的儿童,31%是女性。筛查艾滋病毒的总费用为3061磅(Dollars4745),每预防一例HIV感染的费用为20.40磅(Dollars31.62);为医院服务的人群提供的保护费用为每人0.02英镑(0.03美元)。估计挽救了3625个健康的未折旧生命年,其中将近69%是6岁以下的儿童,每年挽救生命的成本为0.85磅(Dollars1.32)。必须保持对艾滋病毒进行输血筛查的财政和政治支持。



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