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IPASS: A Study on the Tolerability and Effectiveness of Injectable Testosterone Undecanoate for the Treatment of Male Hypogonadism in a Worldwide Sample of 1,438 Men


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Introduction. Morbidity/mortality is higher in men with below-normal serum testosterone. Restoring testosterone to normal is beneficial. Aim. Assessment of safety and effectiveness of injectable long-acting testosterone undecanoate (TU) in hypogonadal men in daily clinical practice. Methods. An international, multicenter, one-arm, prospective observational study in 23 countries. Main Outcome Measures. Parameters of erectile function, libido, vigor/vitality, mood, and ability to concentrate assessed by physician interview using items and five-point Likert scales. Physical and circulatory parameters as well as hematocrit, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, glucose control, and lipid profiles. IPASS. An International, multicenter, Post-Authorisation (after authorized use in respective country) Surveillance Study on long-acting-intramuscular TU conducted at 155 centers in 23 countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. Patients received up to five TU injections during 9-12 months. Results. Of the 1,493 hypogonadal men enrolled, 1,438 (aged 49.2??13.9 years) having received 6,333 injections were analyzed. Scores of mental and psychosexual functions (libido, vigor, overall mood, and ability to concentrate) improved markedly, while mean waist circumference decreased from 100 to 96cm. Blood pressure and lipid parameters were altered in a favorable and significant manner. After four TU injection intervals, the percentage of patients with "low" or "very low" levels of sexual desire/libido decreased from 64% at baseline to 10%; moderate, severe, or extremely severe erectile dysfunction decreased from 67% to 19%. At the last observation, 89% of patients were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with TU therapy. Adverse events and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) occurred in 12% and 6% of patients, respectively, mostly mild to moderate. The most common ADRs were increase in hematocrit, increase in PSA, and injection site pain (all <1%). No case of prostate cancer was observed. Conclusion. In this largest worldwide sample of hypogonadal men, injectable long-acting TU was effective and well tolerated. Zitzmann M, Mattern A, Hanisch J, Gooren L, Jones H, and Maggi M. IPASS: A study on the tolerability and effectiveness of injectable testosterone undecanoate for the treatment of male hypogonadism in a worldwide sample of 1,438 men. ? 2012 International Society for Sexual Medicine.
机译:介绍。血清睾丸激素低于正常水平的男性的发病率/死亡率更高。恢复睾丸激素正常是有益的。目标。在日常临床实践中评估性腺功能减退男性中可注射长效十一酸睾丸激素(TU)的安全性和有效性。方法。在23个国家/地区开展的国际多中心单臂前瞻性观察研究。主要观察指标。勃起功能,性欲,活力/活力,情绪和集中能力的参数通过医师访谈(使用项目和五点李克特量表)进行评估。身体和循环系统参数以及血细胞比容,前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)水平,血糖控制和脂质分布。我通过。在欧洲,亚洲,拉丁美洲和澳大利亚的23个国家/地区的155个中心进行了国际多中心,后授权(在各个国家/地区授权使用后)监视长效肌内TU的研究。患者在9-12个月内最多接受了5次TU注射。结果。在入组的1,493名性腺功能减退男性中,有1,438名(年龄为49.2-13.9岁)接受了6,333次注射。精神和心理功能(性欲,活力,整体情绪和专心能力)得分显着提高,而平均腰围从100厘米下降至96厘米。血压和血脂参数以有利且显着的方式改变。经过四个TU注射间隔后,性欲/性欲“低”或“极低”水平的患者百分比从基线的64%降至10%;中度,重度或极重度勃起功能障碍从67%降至19%。在最后一次观察中,89%的患者对TU治疗“满意”或“非常满意”。分别有12%和6%的患者发生了不良事件和药物不良反应(ADR),大部分为轻度至中度。最常见的ADR是血细胞比容增加,PSA增加和注射部位疼痛(均<1%)。没有观察到前列腺癌病例。结论。在这个全球最大的性腺功能减退男性样本中,可注射的长效TU是有效的且耐受性良好。 Zitzmann M,Mattern A,Hanisch J,Gooren L,Jones H和Maggi M.IPASS:在全球1,438名男性样本中,注射用十一酸酯注射剂治疗男性性腺功能低下的耐受性和有效性研究。 ? 2012年国际性医学学会。



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