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Teens: taking control of asthma.


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The Power Breathing Program (PBP was conducted in 12 culturally and socioeconomically diverse schools in school districts in Anchorage, Alaska (AK, and Kansas City (KC suburbs. The student population in the participating Anchorage schools is African American (9%, Asian American (5%, Hispanic (5%, and Native Alaskan (10%, representing ethnicities disproportionately affected by asthma. Student populations in the 3 participating KC metropolitan area school districts are African American (37%, Asian American (2%, and Hispanic (9%. Enrollment in grades 6-8 in participating schools ranges from 580 to 900 in Anchorage and 660 to 800 in KC, with an average of 27% of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals. All but one of the participating schools have a full-time nurse. One Anchorage school has a part-time nurse, who works 3 days/week. The nurse to student ratio ranges from 1:580 to 1:900.
机译:力量呼吸计划(PBP)在阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(AK)和堪萨斯城(KC郊区)的学区的12所文化和社会经济状况各异的学校中进行。参与的安克雷奇学校的学生人数为非裔美国人(9%,亚裔美国人( 5%,西班牙裔(5%和阿拉斯加原住民(10%,代表受哮喘影响最大的种族。)3个参与的KC大城市学区的学生人数为非裔美国人(37%,亚裔美国人(2%和拉美裔(9参与学校的6-8年级入学人数在安克雷奇为580至900,在KC为660至800,平均有27%的学生有资格享受免费或低价餐。一名安克雷奇学校有一名兼职护士,每周工作3天,护士与学生的比例为1:580至1:900。



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