首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Botulinum toxin type A in combination with standard urotherapy for children with dysfunctional voiding.

Botulinum toxin type A in combination with standard urotherapy for children with dysfunctional voiding.


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PURPOSE: We investigated the role of botulinum toxin type A and urotherapy in the treatment of children with dysfunctional voiding. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nine female children with dysfunctional voiding refractory to standard urotherapy and alpha1-adrenergic blocking agents were included in the prospective clinical study. Botulinum toxin type A in a dose of 500 units was injected transperineally into the external urinary sphincter. Bladder rehabilitation was introduced 2 weeks after botulinum toxin type A treatment. Uroflow studies with ultrasound residual urine volumes were obtained before and 6 months after treatment. All children were tested before and 6 months after treatment using the empirically designed International Reflux Study in Children modified questionnaire. RESULTS: After treatment the mean +/- SD voided volume increased from 180 +/- 73 to 228 +/- 94 ml (p <0.05) while post-void residual urine volume decreased from 52 +/- 40 to 19 +/- 18 ml (p <0.05). Significant differences in other uroflowmetry parameters were not found. However, significant symptom score improvement was detected 6 months after treatment, being decreased by 7 vs 20 (p <0.01). No systemic side effects occurred following botulinum toxin type A injection. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that the voiding mechanism in children with dysfunctional voiding refractory to standard therapy can be significantly improved and maintained at least 6 months after combined botulinum toxin type A injection and bladder rehabilitation.
机译:目的:我们调查了A型肉毒杆菌毒素和尿路疗法在功能障碍性排尿儿童中的作用。材料与方法:9例标准排尿疗法和α1-肾上腺素能阻滞剂使排尿功能障碍的女童无效。将500个单位的A型肉毒杆菌毒素经会阴地注入体外尿道括约肌。 A型肉毒杆菌毒素治疗2周后开始膀胱康复。在治疗前和治疗后6个月进行了超声检查剩余尿量的Uroflow研究。使用经过经验设计的《国际儿童反流研究》修改问卷对所有儿童进行治疗前和治疗后6个月的测试。结果:治疗后,平均+/- SD排尿量从180 +/- 73增加到228 +/- 94毫升(p <0.05),而排尿后残余尿量从52 +/- 40减少到19 +/- 18毫升(p <0.05)。未发现其他尿流测定法参数的显着差异。但是,治疗后6个月,症状评分明显改善,分别降低了7比20(p <0.01)。 A型肉毒杆菌毒素注射后未发生全身性副作用。结论:我们的研究表明,标准疗法难治的功能障碍性排尿障碍儿童的排尿机制可以得到显着改善,并在注射A型肉毒毒素和膀胱康复后至少维持6个月。



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