首页> 外文期刊>The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research >Management of complete heart block during pregnancy.

Management of complete heart block during pregnancy.


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A 22-year-old second gravida presented to the antenatal clinic at 28 weeks of gestation with frequent fainting attacks (2-3 episodes/day), palpitations and dyspnea (New York Heart Association Functional Classification II). Her pulse rate was 40 b.p.m. A 12-lead electrocardiogram and 24-h Holter revealed complete heart block. A transvenous permanent pacemaker (ventricular demand rate-responsive), paced at a rate of 60 pulses/min, was successfully implanted. A multidisciplinary approach was taken and the patient delivered a healthy baby boy of 2.8 kg at 38 weeks. She remained asymptomatic and was discharged in good condition. Management varies from expectant management to temporary pacemaker insertion to permanent pacing during pregnancy. In a young patient with sinus bradycardia, the primary criterion for a pacemaker is the concurrent observation of a symptom (e.g., syncope) with bradycardia (e.g., heart rate 35-40 b.p.m. or asystole for 3 s). Symptomatic pregnant women should always be counseled for a permanent pacemaker.
机译:一名22岁的第二胎在妊娠28周时出现在产前诊所,伴有频繁的昏厥发作(每天2-3次发作),心pal和呼吸困难(纽约心脏协会功能分类II)。她的脉搏频率为下午40点。 12导联心电图和24小时动态心电图显示完全性心脏传导阻滞。成功植入了以60脉冲/分钟的速度起搏的静脉永久起搏器(对心室需求率敏感)。采用多学科方法,患者在38周时分娩了2.8千克的健康男婴。她无症状,出院情况良好。从怀孕期间的预期管理,临时起搏器插入到永久起搏,管理方法各不相同。在年轻的窦性心动过缓患者中,起搏器的主要标准是同时观察到心动过缓的症状(例如晕厥)(例如心率35-40 b.p.m.或心搏停止3 s)。有症状的孕妇应该经常被建议做永久起搏器。



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