首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of pharmacy technology: jPT : official publication of the Association of Pharmacy Technicians >Natural Health Product Utilization in Warfarinized Children; Prevalence and Knowledge

Natural Health Product Utilization in Warfarinized Children; Prevalence and Knowledge


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Background: The need for long-term thromboprophylaxis in children using warfarin therapy is increasing. Natural health products (NHPs) are administered to children by parents who perceive them to be useful and acceptable adjuncts or alternatives to conventional therapies. Interactions of NHPs with prescribed therapies may result in serious adverse events. NHP ijsage is underevaluated in children and there are no studies evaluating NHP usage in warfarinized children.Objectives: To explore NHP use in warfarinized children and their siblings to determine the prevalence, varieties, and reasons for NHP usage, as well as the potential effect on warfarinization (eg, time in therapeutic range [TTR]).Methods: This is a 3-phase cross-sectional cohort study that includes the (1) prevalence (2) NHP education and knowledge assessment, and (3) the follow-up NHP utilization phase.Results: Forty-six percent of warfarinized children consumed NHPs, with time in therapeutic range of 74%. The mean score for baseline knowledge of NHPs and warfarin following the education phase was 67%. Follow-up NHP use was 30%, and increased consistency of utilization with TTR was 83% (p < 0.05), consistent with education provided.Conclusions: The consistent prevalence rates over time of NHP usage in warfarinized children indicate the need for future studies. Education remains vital to combat the potential risks of NHP-warfarin interaction, encouraging patient disclosure and consistency.
机译:背景:使用华法林疗法的儿童需要长期长期预防血栓形成。父母将天然保健品(NHP)应用于儿童,他们认为它们是传统疗法的有用且可接受的辅助手段或替代方法。 NHP与处方疗法的相互作用可能会导致严重的不良事件。 NHP ijsage在儿童中被低估,尚无评估华法化儿童中NHP使用的研究。目的:探讨华法化儿童及其兄弟姐妹中NHP的使用,以确定NHP的患病率,种类和原因,以及对NHP的潜在影响华法令化(例如,治疗时间[TTR])。方法:这是一个三阶段的横断面队列研究,包括(1)患病率(2)NHP教育和知识评估,以及(3)随访NHP利用阶段。结果:46%的华法化儿童食用NHP,治疗时间为74%。在教育阶段之后,NHP和华法林的基础知识平均得分为67%。随访中NHP的使用率为30%,与TTR的使用一致性增加为83%(p <0.05),与所提供的教育一致。结论:华法化儿童中NHP随时间推移的持续流行率表明需要进一步的研究。对于消除NHP-华法林相互作用的潜在风险,鼓励患者披露信息和保持一致性,教育仍然至关重要。



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