首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of pediatrics >Environmental exposures and exhaled nitric oxide in children with asthma.

Environmental exposures and exhaled nitric oxide in children with asthma.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relation of environmental factors with exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) concentrations among asthmatic children. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional analysis of 170 tobacco smoke-exposed children, ages 6 to 12 years, who have doctor-diagnosed asthma using measures of FENO, medication use, and exposures to settled indoor allergens and tobacco smoke. RESULTS: In multivariable analysis, child's age, uncarpeted flooring, not owning a cat, higher income, dust mite exposure, and being sensitized to any allergens were associated with higher FENO concentrations. Children who were sensitized to indoor allergens had an adjusted geometric mean FENO of 15.4 ppb (95% CI, 13.1, 18.2) compared with 10 ppb (95% CI, 8.2, 12.2) for unsensitized children. There was no statistically significant association of serum cotinine, hair cotinine, or reported corticosteroid therapy with FENO. CONCLUSIONS: FENO is higher among children who are sensitized to indoor allergens and exposed to dust mites. The results hold promise for the use of FENO as a tool to manage childhood asthma by using both pharmacologic and environmental treatments.
机译:目的:探讨哮喘儿童环境因素与呼出气一氧化氮(FENO)浓度的关系。研究设计:采用FENO,药物使用以及对室内过敏原和烟草烟雾的暴露量度,对170位6-12岁的烟草烟雾暴露儿童进行横断面分析,这些儿童被医生诊断为哮喘。结果:在多变量分析中,儿童的年龄,未铺地毯的地板,没有猫,收入较高,尘螨接触以及对任何过敏原敏感均与较高的FENO浓度有关。对室内过敏原敏感的儿童调整后的几何平均FENO为15.4 ppb(95%CI,13.1,18.2),而对不敏感儿童则为10 ppb(95%CI,8.2,12.2)。血清可替宁,头发可替宁或FENO的皮质类固醇治疗均无统计学意义。结论:对室内过敏原敏感并暴露于尘螨的儿童中,FENO较高。该结果有望将FENO用作通过药物治疗和环境治疗来控制儿童哮喘的工具。



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