首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of pediatrics >Pitfalls of drug development: Lessons learned from trials of denufosol in cystic fibrosis

Pitfalls of drug development: Lessons learned from trials of denufosol in cystic fibrosis


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The life-shortening genetic disease cystic nbrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the CF gene on both alleles, resulting in failure of a defective CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) glycoprotein to normally regulate chloride and bicarbonate flux at the airway surface.1 According to a leading theory of CF pathogenesis, the "volume depletion" hypothesis, this abnormal anion transport leads to reduced airway surface liquid, airway dehydration, and impaired mucociliary clearance, resulting in vulnerability to airway obstruction, microbial infection, and inflammation.2 In 1991, investigators at the University of North Carolina discovered that triphosphate nucleotides, such as adenosine-5'-triphosphate and uridine-5'-triphosphate, stimulated chloride secretion in both normal and CF respiratory epithe-lia,3 offering a potential bypass mechanism for defective CFTR. Triphosphate nucleotides transduce a signal by binding to purinergic receptors on respiratory epithelial cells specifically responding to purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, termed P2Y2 receptors. This leads to release of intracellular calcium and activates calcium-dependent chloride channels (CaCCs) distinct from CFTR.4 In vitro tissue culture studies have confirmed that adenosine-5'-triphosphate and uridine-5'-triphosphate can restore liquid transport in CF cultures within a few minutes, enhance tracheal mucus velocity in sheep models, and acutely increase sputum volume and mucociliary clearance in smokers.5 Additional actions of P2Y2 agonists also have been reported from cell culture experiments, including stimulation of ciliary beat frequency, increased mucin secretion from goblet cells and surfactant from type II alveolar cells, and inhibition of epithelial sodium absorption,5'6 the net sum of these plausibly resulting in improved airway hydration and increased mucociliary transport that should be beneficial in treating CF.
机译:缩短寿命的遗传性疾病囊性纤维化(CF)是由两个等位基因上的CF基因突变引起的,导致有缺陷的CF跨膜电导调节剂(CFTR)糖蛋白无法正常调节气道表面的氯化物和碳酸氢盐通量。1根据CF发病机理的一个重要理论,即“体积减少”假说,这种异常的阴离子转运导致气道表面液减少,气道脱水和粘膜纤毛清除受损,从而导致对气道阻塞,微生物感染和炎症的脆弱性。2In 1991年,北卡罗莱纳大学的研究人员发现,三磷酸核苷酸(如5'-三磷酸腺苷和5'-三磷酸尿苷)刺激了正常呼吸道和CF呼吸道上皮细胞3的氯化物分泌,这为潜在的旁路机制提供了可能。 CFTR不良。三磷酸核苷酸通过与呼吸道上皮细胞上的嘌呤能受体结合而转导信号,这些受体对嘌呤和嘧啶核苷酸有特殊反应,称为P2Y2受体。这会导致细胞内钙的释放并激活不同于CFTR的钙依赖性氯通道(CaCC)。4体外组织培养研究证实,腺苷5'-三磷酸和尿苷5'-三磷酸可以恢复CF培养中的液体运输在几分钟之内,提高绵羊模型中的气管粘液流速,并急剧增加吸烟者的痰液量和粘膜纤毛清除率。5细胞培养实验还报道了P2Y2激动剂的其他作用,包括刺激纤毛跳动频率,增加粘液分泌。杯状细胞和来自II型肺泡细胞的表面活性剂,以及对上皮钠吸收的抑制作用5'6的总和似乎可以改善气道水合作用和增加粘膜纤毛转运,这对治疗CF有益。



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