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Pharmacist Leadership in ICU Quality Improvement: Coordinating Spontaneous Awakening and Breathing Trials


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Background: Coordinating efforts across disciplines in the intensive care unit is a key component of quality improvement (QI) efforts. Spontaneous awakening trials (SATs) and spontaneous breathing trials (SBTs) are considered key components of guidelines, yet unfortunately are often not done or coordinated properly. Objective: To determine if a pharmacist-driven awakening and breathing coordination (ABC) QI program would improve compliance (ie, process measures) as compared with the previous protocol, which did not involve pharmacists. Methods: The QI program included pharmacist-led education, daily discussion on rounds, and weekly performance reports to staff. Using a pre-QI versus during-QI versus post-QI intervention design, we compared data from 500 control ventilator-days (pre-QI period) versus 580 prospective ventilator-days (during-QI period). We then evaluated the sustainability of the QI program in 216 ventilator-days in the post-QI period. Results: SAT safety screens were performed on only 20% pre-QI patient-days versus 97% of during-QI patient-days (P < 0.001) and 100% of post-QI patient-days (P = 0.25). The rates of passing the SAT safety screen in pre-QI and during-QI periods were 63% versus 78% (P = 0.03) and 81% in the post-QI period (P = 0.86). The rates of SATs among eligible patients on continuous infusions were only 53% in the pre-QI versus 85% in the during-QI (P = 0.0001) and 87% in the post-QI (P = 1) periods. Conclusions: In this QI initiative, a pharmacist-driven, interdisciplinary ABC protocol significantly improved process measures compliance, comparing the pre-QI versus during-QI rates of screening, performing, and coordinating SAT and SBTs, and these results were sustained in the 8-month follow-up period post-QI program.
机译:背景:重症监护病房中跨学科的协调工作是质量改进(QI)工作的关键组成部分。自觉觉醒试验(SATs)和自发呼吸试验(SBTs)被认为是指南的关键组成部分,但不幸的是,通常没有进行或未进行适当的协调。目的:确定与以前的方案(不涉及药剂师)相比,药剂师驱动的唤醒和呼吸协调(ABC)QI计划是否会提高依从性(即过程措施)。方法:QI计划包括药剂师指导的教育,每天的讨论,每周的工作人员绩效报告。使用QI之前,QI期间和QI之后的干预设计,我们比较了500个控制呼吸机天数(QI前期)与580个预期呼吸机天数(QI期间内)的数据。然后,我们在QI后的216个呼吸机天中评估了QI项目的可持续性。结果:仅在QI前患者日进行20%的SAT安全检查,而QI期间患者日为97%(P <0.001)和QI后患者日为100%(P = 0.25)。在QI前和QI期间通过SAT安全筛选的比率分别为63%和78%(P = 0.03),在QI后时期为81%(P = 0.86)。在合格患者中,连续输注的SAT率在QI前仅为53%,而在QI期间(P = 0.0001)为85%,在QI后(P = 1)期间为87%。结论:在这项QI计划中,由药剂师驱动的跨学科ABC协议显着改善了流程措施的依从性,比较了QI之前和QI期间的筛查,执行和协调SAT和SBT的比率,这些结果在8个研究中得以维持。 QI计划的后续随访期。



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