首页> 外文期刊>The journal of pain: official journal of the American Pain Society >Large-fiber mechanoreceptors contribute to muscle soreness after eccentric exercise.

Large-fiber mechanoreceptors contribute to muscle soreness after eccentric exercise.


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Muscles subjected to eccentric exercise, in which the contracting muscle is forcibly lengthened, become sore the next day (delayed onset muscle soreness). In subjects who had their triceps surae of 1 leg exercised eccentrically by walking backwards on an inclined moving treadmill, mapping the muscle 48 hours later with a calibrated probe showed sensitive areas were localized but not restricted to the muscle-tendon junction. Injection of 5% sodium chloride into a sensitive site in the exercised leg did not produce more pain than injections into the unexercised leg, suggesting that nociceptor sensitization was not responsible. Applying controlled indentations to a sensitive area showed that the pain could be exacerbated by 20-Hz or 80-Hz vibration. In an unexercised muscle, vibration had the opposite effect; it reduced pain. Pain thresholds were measured before, during, and after a pressure block of the sciatic nerve. The block affected only large-diameter nerve fibers, as evidenced by disappearance of the H reflex and a weakened voluntary contraction, leaving painful heat and cold sensations unaltered. Pain thresholds increased significantly during the block. It is concluded that muscle mechanoreceptors, including muscle spindles, contribute to the soreness after eccentric exercise.
机译:进行偏心运动的肌肉在第二天被强迫拉长,使收缩的肌肉酸痛(迟发性肌肉酸痛)。通过在倾斜的移动跑步机上向后走来偏心锻炼三头肌的1条腿的受试者,在48小时后用已校准的探头对肌肉进行测绘表明敏感区域位于但不限于肌腱连接处。向运动的腿的敏感部位注射5%氯化钠不会比未运动的腿注射产生更多的疼痛,这表明伤害感受器敏化不负责任。对敏感区域施加受控压痕表明,疼痛可能会因20 Hz或80 Hz振动而加剧。在未经锻炼的肌肉中,振动产生相反的效果;它减轻了痛苦。在坐骨神经压力阻滞之前,期间和之后测量疼痛阈值。阻滞仅影响大直径的神经纤维,如H反射消失和自发性收缩减弱所证明的那样,使疼痛的热和冷感觉保持不变。疼痛阈值在阻滞期间明显增加。结论是,在进行离心运动后,肌肉机械感受器(包括肌肉纺锤体)会引起酸痛。



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