首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Nuclear Medicine >Combined thallium-201 myocardial with technetium-99m-HMPAO brain SPECT: myocardial ischemia induced by acetazolamide in severe coronary artery disease.

Combined thallium-201 myocardial with technetium-99m-HMPAO brain SPECT: myocardial ischemia induced by acetazolamide in severe coronary artery disease.

机译:201 201心肌与tech 99m-HMPAO的脑相结合:乙酰唑胺在严重冠心病中引起的心肌缺血。

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Since the perioperative mortality of coronary artery bypass surgery is high in patients with cerebrovascular disease, it is crucial to assess a cerebrovascular risk before operation. Acetazolamide (ACZ) was applied to brain SPECT to evaluate the vascular reserve, and ACZ stress brain imaging was useful for predicting perioperative cerebrovascular events. We performed 201Tl myocardial and 99mTc-hexamethyl-propyleneamine oxime (HMPAO) brain SPECT with ACZ stress simultaneously to a patient with severe coronary artery disease and experienced the abnormality of 201Tl myocardial imaging with ACZ, as did that with dipyridamole. Technetium-99m-HMPAO brain SPECT showed no defect. Brain SPECT with ACZ demonstrated the region of poor coronary vascular reserve, which suggested myocardial ischemia induced by ACZ in a patient with severe coronary artery disease.
机译:由于脑血管疾病患者的冠状动脉搭桥手术围手术期死亡率很高,因此在手术前评估脑血管风险至关重要。乙酰唑胺(ACZ)用于脑SPECT评估血管储备,而ACZ应激脑成像可用于预测围手术期脑血管事件。我们对患有严重冠状动脉疾病的患者同时进行了ACZ应激的201T1心肌和99mTc-六甲基-丙胺肟(HMPAO)脑SPECT,并与双嘧达莫一样,经历了ACZ的201T1心肌成像异常。 net 99m-HMPAO脑SPECT未显示任何缺陷。带有ACZ的脑SPECT显示出冠状血管储备不足的区域,这表明ACZ可以在患有严重冠状动脉疾病的患者中诱发心肌缺血。



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