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Safety analysis of 10 clinical trials and for 13 years after first approval of ioflupane 123I injection (datscan)

机译:首次批准ioflupane 123I注射后(datscan)的10年临床试验和13年的安全性分析

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Ioflupane is an analog of cocaine that binds reversibly with high affinity to the dopamine transporter (DaT) protein, a marker for presynaptic terminals in dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons. Ioflupane 123I Injection is also known as DaTscan or DaTSCAN (123I-ioflupane is also called 123I-2-β-carbomethoxy-3β-(4-iodophenyl)-N-(3-fluoropropyl) nortropane or 123I-FP-CIT). The diagnostic efficacy of DaTscan has been described elsewhere. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of the safety of DaT-scan starting from initiation of clinical development through 13 y after the date of first market approval. Safety data in the sponsor's clinical development safety database from 10 completed DaTscan clinical trials were pooled, and postapproval experience was summarized from standardized aggregate safety reports submitted to regulatory agencies. A total of 1,180 clinical trial subjects (92% of 1,284 subjects planned to receive DaTscan in the clinical trials) received DaTscan. Percentages of subjects with adverse events by category were as follows: all (22%), considered at least possibly related to DaTscan by the investigator (4%), any severe (3%), headache (4%), nausea (2%), dizziness (2%), nasopharyngitis (1%), and injection site hematoma (1%). Four percent of subjects had at least 1 serious adverse event; 5 subjects (1%) had serious adverse events that led to death. All serious adverse events, including those that led to death, were deemed by an expert clinician to be unrelated to DaTscan. An estimated half a million market doses of DaTscan (for single use) were administered from July 2000 through the July 2013 reporting period. In postapproval safety assessment, 1 death was reported 20 d after (and unrelated to) DaTscan administration. Two spontaneously reported serious adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and 32 spontaneously reported non-serious ADRs were submitted, approximately half of which are identified in labeling. Headache (in clinical trials) and injection site pain (postapproval) were the most commonly reported events or reactions. Although adverse events were reported for 1 in 5 clinical trial subjects, most were mild and considered unrelated to DaTscan administration. Severe events were uncommon, and no serious adverse event occurring in more than 1 subject was deemed related to DaTscan administration. In postapproval experience, the frequency of ADRs spontaneously reported was less than 1 per 10,000 doses administered. Comprehensive safety data show that DaTscan was well tolerated.
机译:碘氟烷是可卡因的类似物,它与多巴胺转运蛋白(DaT)蛋白具有高亲和力可逆结合,该蛋白是多巴胺能黑质纹状体神经元突触前末端的标记。 ioflupane 123I注射剂也称为DaTscan或DaTSCAN(123I-ioflupane也称为123I-2-β-羰甲氧基-3β-(4-碘苯基)-N-(3-氟丙基)降冰片烷或123I-FP-CIT。 DaTscan的诊断功效已在其他地方进行了描述。在此,我们对从首次临床开发开始到首次市场批准之日后13年内,对DaT扫描的安全性进行全面分析。汇总了发起人的10项完成的DaTscan临床试验的临床开发安全性数据库中的安全性数据,并根据提交给监管机构的标准化总体安全性报告总结了批准后的经验。共有1180名临床试验受试者(计划在临床试验中计划接受DaTscan的1,284名受试者中的92%)接受了DaTscan。具有类别的不良事件的受试者的百分比如下:所有(22%),被研究者认为至少可能与DaTscan相关(4%),任何严重(3%),头痛(4%),恶心(2%) ),头晕(2%),鼻咽炎(1%)和注射部位血肿(1%)。 4%的受试者至少有1次严重不良事件; 5名受试者(<1%)患有导致死亡的严重不良事件。专家临床医生认为所有严重不良事件,包括导致死亡的严重不良事件,均与DaTscan无关。从2000年7月到2013年7月报告期,估计有100万市场剂量的DaTscan(单次使用)被施用。在批准后的安全性评估中,DaTscan给药后20 d报告了1例死亡(与死亡无关)。提交了两个自发报告的严重药物不良反应(ADR)和32个自发报告的非严重药物不良反应,其中大约一半在标签中标识。头痛(在临床试验中)和注射部位疼痛(批准后)是最常见的事件或反应。尽管有五分之一的临床试验受试者报告了不良事件,但大多数是轻度的并且被认为与DaTscan给药无关。严重事件很少见,并且在超过1位受试者中未发生严重不良事件被认为与DaTscan给药有关。在批准后的经验中,自发报告的ADR频率少于每10,000剂给药1次。全面的安全数据表明,DaTscan具有良好的耐受性。



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