首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of laryngology and otology. >A quantitative analysis of the intranasal delivery of topical nasal drugs to the middle meatus: spray versus drop administration.

A quantitative analysis of the intranasal delivery of topical nasal drugs to the middle meatus: spray versus drop administration.


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The delivery of nasal drugs specifically to the middle meatus is of critical importance in the medical treatment of rhinosinusitis. In this respect, topical nasal drug administration by drops has generally been perceived to be superior to nasal sprays, although there is a lack of evidence to support this notion. This study aims to compare the intranasal delivery of nasal sprays and drops to the middle meatus in vivo, using a novel quantitative method. A surgical patty was placed in the middle meatus. Radio-labelled topical nasal drops and aqueous sprays were administered in a standardized fashion in normal volunteers (10 nasal cavities). The subsequent absorption of administered radio-labelled saline on the patty was measured using a gamma counter. A randomized prospective crossover design was used for the study. The mean percentage (range) of absorbed administered saline on the swab was 8.7 (0.3-39.5) and 9.7 (0.03-20.4) for the spray and drop administration techniques respectively (p = 0.8). Thus, there is wide variation in the delivery of topical nasal drugs and the perceived superiority of nasal drop administration, in terms of delivery to the middle meatus, may be incorrect.
机译:在鼻-鼻窦炎的医学治疗中,特别是将鼻药物输送至中鼻道至关重要。在这方面,尽管缺乏支持这一观点的证据,但一般认为通过滴鼻剂局部给药优于鼻喷雾剂。这项研究旨在使用一种新型的定量方法,比较鼻内喷雾剂和滴剂在体内鼻腔内向鼻中部的递送情况。将手术小馅饼放在鼻中部。在正常志愿者(10个鼻腔)中以标准化方式施用放射性标记的局部滴鼻剂和水性喷雾剂。使用伽玛计数器测量随后放射的放射性标记盐水在小馅饼上的吸收。该研究采用随机前瞻性交叉设计。对于喷雾和滴剂给药技术,拭子上吸收的盐水吸收的平均百分比(范围)分别为8.7(0.3-39.5)和9.7(0.03-20.4)(p = 0.8)。因此,局部鼻用药物的递送存在很大差异,并且就向中鼻道的递送而言,滴鼻剂给药的优越性可能是不正确的。



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