首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Infectious Diseases >Clinical Evidence for the Role of Trichomonas vaginalis in Regulation of Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor in the Female Genital Tract

Clinical Evidence for the Role of Trichomonas vaginalis in Regulation of Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor in the Female Genital Tract


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Background. Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) is responsible for regulating inflammatory damage to and innate and adaptive immune responses in the vaginal mucosa. Depressed cervicovaginal SLPI levels have been correlated with both Trichomonas vaginalis infection and poor reproductive health outcomes. Methods. We measured levels of SLPI in 215 vaginal specimens collected from adolescent and young adult females aged 14-22 years. Log-transformed SLPI values were compared by analysis of variance or by an unpaired t test before and after adjustment for confounding effects through the propensity score method. Results. Females receiving hormonal contraceptives and those with an abnormal vaginal pH had lower SLPI levels as compared to their peers. After propensity score adjustment for race, behavioral factors, hormonal use, and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), SLPI levels were lower in females with a positive T. vaginalis antigen test result, a vaginal pH >4.5, vaginal leukocytosis, and recurrent (vs initial) T. vaginalis infection, with the lowest levels observed in those with the highest T. vaginalis loads. Conclusions. The SLPI level was reduced by >50% in a T. vaginalis load-dependent manner. Future research should consider whether identifying and treating females with low levels of T. vaginalis infection (before they become wet mount positive) would prevent the loss of SLPI and impaired vaginal immunity. The SLPI level could be used as a vaginal-health marker to evaluate interventions and vaginal products.
机译:背景。分泌型白细胞蛋白酶抑制剂(SLPI)负责调节对阴道粘膜的炎症损害以及先天性和适应性免疫反应。宫颈阴道SLPI水平降低与阴道毛滴虫感染和生殖健康结局均相关。方法。我们测量了从14-22岁的青春期和成年女性收集的215个阴道标本中的SLPI水平。对数转换后的SLPI值通过方差分析或未配对t检验进行比较,然后通过倾向评分法调整混杂效应。结果。与同龄人相比,接受激素避孕药的女性和阴道pH值异常的女性的SLPI水平较低。在对种族,行为因素,激素使用和其他性传播感染(STIs)进行倾向得分调整后,女性的SLPI水平较低,阴道T.抗原检测结果阳性,阴道pH> 4.5,白细胞增多和复发(与最初相比)阴道锥虫感染,在阴道锥虫载量最高的人群中观察到的最低水平。结论。 SLPI水平以阴道三角杆菌负荷依赖性方式降低> 50%。未来的研究应考虑鉴定和治疗低水平阴道锥虫感染的女性(在湿贴阳性之前)是否可以防止SLPI的丧失和阴道免疫力的降低。 SLPI水平可用作阴道健康指标,以评估干预措施和阴道产品。



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